Part 3

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Y/N's pov
"Hi I'm Frida, what's your name?" "Y/N." "Can I sit next to you?" "Of course." I smiled. Then the teacher arrived and the lessons started. We ended when was 12:00 and mama was waiting for me outside. "Moma!" I hugged her. "How was first school day?" "Nice... This is Frida."

"Hello." "Hi. It's nice you have friends." She smiled the typically sympatic smile for her. "Y/N you should have some hobbies." Momma said while walking me home. "Can I play some instrument? Or I wanna play football! Or no, I want to draw... I don't know..."

She laughed. "Okay don't push yourself that much. Think about it and I'll find something okay honey?" I nodded. "Do you have any homeworks already?" "No, but tomorrow we get, or teacher said it." "Okay."

I changed into normal clothes for home and waited for Marcus and Martinus to come back so they would play with me. I thought about which hobbies should I get... I want all of them which I told mama. I ran down and watched my mom who was doing snack for me.

She gave me fruit salad. "Thank you mami." "You're welcome. Don't worry Marcus with Martinus will be there soon." She smiled and I started to eat. "Hi mom!" "Hi Y/N!" Yeah Martinus have always been the more mom's boy. Marcus ran to me and took some fruit. "How you like school?" "I love it! Our teacher is so nice." "That's amazing."

He smiled and went upstairs to his room. All of us have separate rooms but connected to each other by door. "Wanna play with us?" Martinus was again holding football ball and was already in his football clothes. "Sure." I went upstairs and changed into different clothes so I could play with them.

~about two years later~
We're in Thailand! I love it here, it is so warm and sunny. I was lying on my bed and again heard it. "Oh Marcus why you can't be quiet?" "I like singing." "She's right Marcus, shut up." Martinus said annoyed while jumping next to me to bed. "We're going to some karaoke or whatever and he wants to be the best."

Martinus whispered and I laughed. "What?!" Marcus turned to us. "Nothing, nothing." I laughed. He sat down and tickled me and Martinus joined. "Stop!" I thought I will pee from laughing.

And then they finally stopped. "Get ready we're going to dinner!" Pappa stood by door and looked to us three. "And fast." "Sure." I put on some shorts and top, put on shoes and ran to mama. "You're fast." She smiled and we went to have a dinner.

There was some competition or whatever in singing and of course Mac and Tinus wanted to sing. Mama and pappa thought it will be fun. There was some people from mama's work and from Sweden so she started to talk with them and I talked with papa.

The whole restaurant was used to Norwegians so they knew how to speak Norwegian and stuff. Marcus and Martinus stepped to stage and started to sing. When they finished everyone was clapping and was very fond of them. I smiled. I know they can sing very well, well they do it most of the time together with playing football. Some man stepped to us.

"They are yours?" He looked to mama. "Yes." "Yeah I thought they are, they look like you." This always hurt me. Yes they are my family but I'm not similar to them since I'm adopted. "They should try to compete in MGP Jr."And that's how it all started.

Marcus and Martinus signed there and made a song. I was helping them a bit at least. I wanted to have the same talent as them. But I can't sing. It was killing me. I wasn't jealous, I was proud of them but sad I'm not special in any way. I was lying on bed with head burried in pillow thinking about this. It made me sad.

"Y/N!" "I don't want to talk with you now." Martinus sat next to me to bed. "What's happening?" "Nothing, go away." "I won't." I turned head to him. "So what's up?" "I told you, nothing." He hugged me. Their hugs are like medicine to everything.

It cures everything. I hugged him back. "Better?" "Much." I smiled. "When is the MGP?" He shivered. "In a week in Oslo, why?"  "Like how why? I'mma look at you! You're my brothers!" "Mama won't let you." "What if yes?" I smirked. "Then it would be freaking awesome!" I heard Marcus from his room and laughed. "See?" "Fine then." Martinus smiled too.

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