Part 9

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Y/N's pov
I prepared for the party, I didn't want to look provocative so I chose just my simple everyday makeup and nice outfit. I'm not a whore so I'm not going to look like that. Violet picked me up. "Ahhh come on Y/N." "What? This is me. This is my style so shut up and let's go."

I rolled eyes and we went to Jeremy's house. I started to be nervous. There was so many people and too loud music. I didn't like it. "Y/N don't be childish." She dragged me inside the crowd. There was hot. I walked out of group. "What's happening?" "I need to drink something."

"Here." She gave me cup and I drank it. But it wasn't water. "What the hell you gave me?" "Vodka. Nice taste isn't it?" I needed water. I was in the crowd for a while and then I walked over to kitchen. I rested myself on the kitchen island drinking my cold, refreshing water.

I'm really not type for these parties. "Crazy party huh?" I turned head. Oh shit. I have to play it cool. "Yeah, yeah it is." Stop repeating words you idiot. "You like it? I thought you're not the party type?"

"What? No I kinda like it, but yeah I'd rather read a book or something." You dumb dumb dumb head, a book? Seriously? Does anyone in this age except you even read a book?! "Oh cool." I tried to not look into Blades eyes or I would blush. "What do you read for example?"

"Are you seriously interested in what I read or you just try to let the conversation keep going?" I chuckled. "Kind of both. It is interesting, most girls don't read when they don't have to." "Yeah thank you for making me sure I'm weird." I chuckled.

"I didn't mean it that way, I meant you're special." "Because I'm reading?" I laughed. "Okay, let's switch to another topic." He smiled. "You really wanna talk with me even tho I persuaded you I'm completely not sociable and weird person."

"You didn't persuade me about anything." He winked and kept leaning by kitchen bar staring at me. Luckily it was dark in kitchen too because I felt that my cheeks burned. "Oh Blade here you are." Ugh I feel like throwing up when I hear this girl.

"Babe where you've been?" "Lena I'm having a conversation with someone, can you just leave?" "No it's ok, I have to find Violet anyways." I left them. I really don't have to watch them two. I walked into the crowd. "Y/N where were you?" "Just getting some water."

"Oh okay." She was drinking more and more. "Violet stop." "Noooo." "I'm not gonna take you home." "Fine, prude." She rolled eyes. She was drunk but I didn't care. I stepped from the crowd and went home. Trofors is creepy at night. I shivered. "Hey Y/N!"

I quickly turned around ready to run or to protect myself how I can. But I saw Blade. "Shit you scared me." "Sorry, well... We haven't finished our talk." "You're really interested in that? I bet you want sth from me." "No, it is really nice talking to you, you're so smart."

"Thanks." I kept walking. "Y/N-" "What else do you want? I don't know how would someone as popular as you want to talk with me." "Because I want to get to know you, you seem like an interesting person." "Okay..."

"So what do you like except reading...?" And we started to talk, we were talking whole night about random stuff. Yeah he's my crush, and I know he probably wants me as a friend but friendship is still better than nothing.

"Y/N you seem tired." He smiled. "Yeah I'm I was up whole night." I smiled at him. "Let's go... You have to get some sleep." We walked to my home. "Bye Blade." "Bye Y/N... Do you want to hang out sometimes?" "Sure just text me."

I smiled and entered home. My mom wasn't there, luckily, so I just fell to bed and fell asleep. "Y/N, honey, wake up." I slowly opened eyes. "What were you doing all night?" Mama chuckled. "You were sleeping all day?" She smiled.

"Well your brothers are having concert tonight and pappa promised that he will make a livestream? Or whatever is it so we could watch it." "Cool!" "So get up it starts in few minutes."

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