Special Someone

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Some people have a way of brightening someone's day, and it's with little things that mean so much. There is a phone call at just the right time, a hug when it is needed, or a comforting word of encouragement.


" Well, it started when a lonely prince was sitting alone at his castle backyard when suddenly this princess, who was not wearing a dress like a princess should be, climbed up through the fence of his castle and played with him. From then on, they became the best of friend. They grew up with each other and the lonely prince was not so lonely anymore. He then grew to love her, but unfortunately she didn't feel the same way. Even though she was his special someone, she already has her own special someone that was not him. He was sad and turned back into the lonely prince he was before. "

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now