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You are now having a conversation with MATS and MARCO

MARCO: That was close.

MATS: I saw her talking to you, Erik. What did she say?

ERIK: She asked what I was doing. Told her I was texting you guys.


MARCO: Goldilock you idiot.

MATS: And then??

ERIK: Told her you guys are talking about her with me.

MATS: Genius!

MARCO: He's an idiot, Hummels. Not a genius..

ERIK: Oh what do you know, here comes Karen..

ERIK: She wants to talk to you guys

MARCO: We're dead, daddy.

MATS: I know, honey.

ERIK: Hello guys, this is Karen. I borrowed Erik's phone to talk to you guys (since you talking to me is too mainstream). I just want to say, I'm flatter but I'm in a serious  relationship with someone right now so that means I'm not going to go out with you Marco. I still remember you, you're the guy with the great hair. But I'm not into you.. I have my reason when I rejected you. Mats.. Nice to meet you. Big fan. I can't wait to interview you. I guess that's it. Have fun talking to Erik again.

MATS: I like her.

MARCO: Puh-lease.. I know I have a great hair and all but you can't just ignore all of these.

ERIK: Cut it out, Hair Gel. You read what she wrote, just sod off.

MARCO: Ugh, fine..

MATS: Erik, tell her I am looking forward to the interview as well and that she better interview me first.

ERIK: Hahaha, she said she will interview you first.

MARCO: How about me? It should be me she has to interview first. I'm the star of Borussia Dortmund.

ERIK: She said she will interview you the last.


MARCO: That's so unfair..

MARCO: And I can't believe I used to have a crush on her.

ERIK: That's what I love about her

MATS is typing...

MARCO is typing...


MARCO: Ugh, Durm.

MATS: Are you /that/ oblivious towards your own feelings?

MARCO: He is, Hummels. Sadly, he is..

MATS: I mean come on!

MATS: The way you look at her, it's too obvious, Durm.

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now