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You are now having a conversation with MATS, MARCO and MARIO

MATS: A little birdie told me that my little boy is having a problem with his feelings.

MARIO: Who's the lucky girl? ;)

ERIK: Are you on drugs, Hummels?

MATS: What?

ERIK: Because apparently you've been talking to birds.

MARIO: Hahaha :D

MARCO : Classic :DD

MATS: Ha ha ha.. You know what I meant. Spill..

ERIK: I thought Hair Gel already told you everything.

MARCO: Oi! Who said anything about me telling it to him?

ERIK: You were the only person I talked to about it just an hour ago.

MATS: Yes, he told me everything but your big brother still doesn't know about your girl problem.

MARIO: Yeah, I feel left out here..

ERIK: Why are you talking as if you guys are my family. I already have a family, I don't need another.

MARCO: Erik! Don't say that in front of the one who raised you.

MARCO: In front of your mother!

MARCO: Shame on you.

ERIK: Cut it out

MARIO: Whoah, grumpy pants :P

MATS: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

MARCO: You are not getting my famous lasagna again.

ERIK: You don't know how to cook.

MARIO: Yeah.. Let alone boil a water.

MATS: He tried to make a scramble egg, remember? It was hazardous.

MARIO: Oh yeah, tasted so bitter and awful.

ERIK: I almost chocked on it. I still can taste it in my mouth, so horrible.. What /did/ he put in that egg?

MARIO: Probably poison..

MATS: Or he spat on it. His saliva is pretty poisonous.

MARCO: ALRIGHT.. I can't cook. No need to rub it on, dammit! You guys are so mean.

MARIO: Mommy's glum :D

MATS: Do you want me to do something for you so you'll feel better, mommy?

MARCO: Shut up

ERIK: Look who's grumpy now.

MARCO: We are here to discuss about Erik's undying love for Karen, no? Not my terrible cooking skill.

ERIK: But it is terrible.


MARIO:  Calm down, Marc.

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