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Dear, Erik

Hey, buddy. . How's it going? This is awkward, I'll skip to the point.

Here we go,

I'm leaving. I can't do this to you. I can't do this to Gavin. I love you, I do. But Gavin is the love of my life. I love him more than anything.

You're my best friend, Erik. You're just suppose to be my best friend.

Erik, I love you so much. And I know you love me too but please, try to move on, alright? You're too good for me. You deserve someone better.

I hope we can still be best friends. You are my prince after all.

Erik Durm, you will always and forever be my prince. You will always be my sun. You will always be there in a special place in my heart.

I'm sorry. Too cheesy? Aren't men suppose to be the one who's cheesy? This is awkward. Well, best luck to you, my friend.

Yours, princess,

P.S  Inside this box, you'll find my diary back when we were just teenagers (a reckless one too) and when I used to slip into the Borussia Dortmund Academy just for you and some letters I had wrote for you but never found the courage to give it to you.

I carried these things everywhere whenever I'm with you but I just couldn't do it. So here it is.

I was planning on burning it, but I need you to have something of mine that would always be your reminder that we are the best of friends and that I will always be yours.

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now