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So you probably notice that I changed the 'dear' into 'hello'. You won't believe me if I tell you why I decided to change it. . . You won't even believe me if I tell you that Karen left me. My own best friend. .

Since she left me, I don’t think I should write here anymore. In fact, I think I should throw you away (maybe burn you). The things I’ve written here must not be read by anyone. And I don’t need you to remember the past few days anyway. There’s no chance I will forget about them.

Karen is my everything. She's always been my one true friend, my princess, my other half. Sorry, it's ridiculous. I can't believe I hadn't seen it before. The way she looked at me when we were 12 years old. I should've figured it out. I thought boys were supposed to be the one who fall first. Why was I so stupid? Why am I so stupid?

Since I plan on burning you anyway, I can freely write this: I love, always been and will always love Karen.

I wish that when I burn this journal, it would also burn away the feelings I have for her so that I don’t feel like crying when I think about how I can’t kiss her anymore.

This is my last.



and that is the last chapter of this fic

i'm happy and sad at the same time.. is that even possible?

thank you all so much for reading this :) i really appreciate it.

i love you all so much, especially those who had been leaving nice, generous (and hilarious) comments :) and votes of course

but i love you all

epilogue will be up soon (don't know when but eventually i'll post it)

everything is not edited yet

just a friendly reminder. .

sorry for the many gramatical mistakes

i'll fix that soon

once again, thank you all so much :D

- Maria

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