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GAVIN: How's the flight, Care?

KAREN: Boring. I didn't have you to entertain me the whole flight.

GAVIN: Maybe next time, Care. I still have work stuff to do.

KAREN: Yeah, next time. . Oh and Erik says hi!

GAVIN: Erik's with you? Say 'hi' back to him and I'm still waiting for the signed jersey he owes me!

KAREN: What jersey?

GAVIN: Borrusia Dortmund of course, and he said he'll get Reus to sign his jersey and give it to me.

KAREN: Men. . I can get his jersey with my charms easily.

GAVIN: I think I prefer Erik to get it, thank you very much.

KAREN: Ha ha, it's not like I'm going to do some certain 'things' to him just to get his jersey. Just you wait, I'll be the one who get it and not Erik.

GAVIN: Well alright then :D but don't go too flirty on him, alright?

KAREN: You know I love you, so don't worry.

GAVIN: Alright, love you too. Talk to you later.

KAREN: Laters. .

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