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x-xxx-xxx-xxxx: Hey, Karen! It's Mats. I stole Erik's phone to get your number while I'm on my 'bathroom break' but anyway, I just want to say that you are invited to the dinner my wife and I organized. I hope you can come, it would be delightful to see you there.

KAREN: Aww, Mats.. You stole Erik's phone just to get my number. That's so sweet, haha :) but yeah, it would be my pleasure to come to the dinner.

MATS: Awesome. Dinner at 8 sharp, Friday night. You just have to go with Erik. He knows where I live. By the way, when are you going to start interviewing us? Some of the lads can not wait to be interview by you.

KAREN: Marco's one of them?

MATS: Yes.. He just can't give up.

KAREN: That's okay. I think it's sweet of him. I'll start by tomorrow. I'll have to start interviewing the captain first, then I'll do the rest after.


MATS: You're going to interview me first :DD

KAREN: Haha :D Yes.

MATS: You're awesome. Wait until Marco hears about this.

KAREN: Haha :D

MATS: Got to go. I have to tell this to him. Thanks, Karen!

KAREN: Alright :) You're welcome.

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