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You have a new message

KAREN: Sorry.


MATS is calling

ANSWER                        DECLINE



You have a new message

MATS: Erik? Are you okay?

MATS: Answer me, Erik.

MATS: Is everyting okay?

MATS: Erik?


February 2006
Pirmasens, Germany


So I'm not going to write 'dear, diary' like those naïve and typical girls *rols eyes*. Like why? Why 'dear'? And because I don't want people to know I write my 'feelings' on this thing. But anyway, I'm off topic here.

*clears throat* Okay so, my day was fine. I hung out with Erik, like always (he has a serious case of bad crush on Lira) and I have to do all the freaking work for him, like, seriously?

I've told him so many times before,

"Durm, pick up your small amount of courage and ask her out yourself."

And do you know what he reply to me every single time?

"Oh, Karen," And I quote, "You're my best friend. We always do the dirty work for each other."

The nerve of that guy. .

Once I graduated high school, I am so going far away from him so he won't ask me to ASK a girl out for him. He can't man up, can't he? Or at least boy up.

Me, I don't have any silly crush on anybody. Boys are stupid. Take Erik for an example. He can't even differentiate between 'yes' and 'no'.

Sadly I have to put up with him every time. Valentine is almost here. Ugh, I can literally feel the 'love' in the air right now. I have a feeling Erik will ask me to help him to ask Lira out.



To, Erik

Hey, um, so I like you. Why am I even writing this? You're not even going to read or know this anyway.

Forget it.

From, Karen


May 2008
Pirmasens, Germany


Today is Erik's 16th birthday! How cool is that? He's finally 16! I'm still 15. . My birthday is on July, still long but hey! Erik's finally 16!

I'm planning on giving him the BEST birthday party ever. And ask Sabrina to confess her 'secret' love to him. It's been a long time since Erik dated someone other than Lira (Ended up badly. You don't want to know, trust me).

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now