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ERIK: I might be late on picking you up from the airport.

KAREN: that's okay actually. My flight has been delayed.

ERIK: Really? Why? And how long?

KAREN: Slow down, tiger ;D The weather in Serbia is bad so that's why. I think they said about 45 or 50 min, I dunno :/ Can't wait to see me again, eh, goldilock?

ERIK: Puh-lease :P Maybe. . . I dunno. . How's Gavin?

KAREN: Don't try to change the subject, goldilock. I know you miss me, I miss you too. Gavin's fine btw, he asked me to move in with him and I said yes, of course. And after summer he asked me to accompany him to see his family in Liverpool. I think we're getting pretty serious. How's Dortmund?

ERIK: Fine.

KAREN: That's it? Just 'fine'? No special girl? Wink wink

ERIK: I'll fill you up more when you finally arrive here.

KAREN: Alright, goldi. See you soon.

ERIK: See ya. .


dedicated to @hustings bc i got inspired by her

and bc i freakin' love her stories

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