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ERIK: Marco?

MARCO: You're talking to me?

ERIK: Yes I'm talking to you, you dumb blonde.

MARCO: Ouch..

ERIK: Anyway, you know how you and Mario knew that I couldn't keep my promise to not kiss Karen?

MARCO: Let me guess, you broke it.

ERIK: yes


MARCO: What a surprise.

MARCO: I had it coming. So?

ERIK: So, what am I suppose to do now?

MARXCO: Did you talk to Mats?

ERIK: Yes,

MARCO: What did he say?

ERIK: I should go to her and get things right.

MARCO: Well then what are you doing here texting me?

ERIK: I need a different advice from other than Mats' perspective. 

MARCO: Well, shit happens. . Deal with it.

ERIK: I'm serious.

MACO: Well then, apologize to her. Say you didn't mean it to happen and.. did you tell her you love her?


MARCO: Okay so you messed up really bad.. Um, okay, so, tell her you do love her but you know that she will never love you the way you love her. . Just anything related to that really. And if not, write it in a piece of paper and read it out loud to her.

ERIK: I don't think it's that easy.

MARCO: Just go and sort things out.

ERIK: Alright, thank you.

MARCO: That's what friends for, Blush Boy.

ERIK: Huh, Mats said that to me too.

MARCO: Really? I guess him and I are the perfect couple made from heaven.

ERIK: You are one weird guy.

MARCO: Thank you. That's the reason why you love me.

ERIK: I'm gonna go and talk to Karen..

MARCO: Yeah. You go and do that right away.

ERIK: Thanks again for the advice.

MARCO: Don't mention it, now go!

ERIK: Aye, capt'n.

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now