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ERIK: Jesus, Mats. . I need your help.

MATS: What the hell happened?

MATS: Please don't tell me that you. . .

ERIK: But, Mats. .

ERIK: I did it.


ERIK: Yes.


ERIK: Yes, Hummels, yes!

ERIK: I freaking kissed Karen and I confessed.

ERIK: I told her that I love her.

ERIK: Shit, Mats, what have I done?

MATS: Erik. . You messed up big time.

ERIK: I know. . Don't remind me.

MATS: How did she react?

ERIK: She left me alone at the backyard. I thought I heard her cry in her room, I don't know.

MATS: Oh my God, Erik. . What have you done?

ERIK: She was there. Just laying down on the grass, not doing anything. Then I kissed her.

MATS: Erik, Erik, Erik. . .

ERIK: I know, I know, I know! If I could take my action back, I would.

MATS: But you did it.

ERIK: I know. . What I did to her was completely irredeemable. It was idiotic of me to do that. Why did I even have to fall in love with her?

MATS: That's why we call it 'fall' in love, right?

MATS: We don't mean to fall but it happen. We fall anyway and sometimes, just like falling, falling in love is hurtful. You probably injure yourself whe you fell but as times goes by, your injury will heal itself. In the end, you are happy again that those painful days are over.

ERIK: What a powerful eulogy.

ERIK: Clap, clap. .

MATS: You are killing the mood here.

MATS: I swear to God you are slowly turning into Reus day by day.

ERIK: No I don't.

MATS: Yes, yes you are.


MATS: Yes, Erik. Yes.

ERIK: Still denying it.

MATS: Yeah, okay, suuuure. . .

ERIK: Whatever. . What should I do now that she knows I am 'brutally' in love with her?

MATS: Things will get awkward first and if she reject your love then try to move on.

ERIK: What if she accepts?

MATS: I doubt it.

ERIK: You're mean. .

MATS: She's in a full commitment relationship with her boyfriend, Erik.

ERIK: Ugh. .

MATS: There you go. Now go and talk to her.

MATS: Try to sort things out.

ERIK: Yeah. .

ERIK: Thank you for being an awesome friend.

MATS: That's what friends for, blush boy.

ERIK: That's it. I am officially breaking up with you. No more friendship for you from me.

MATS: Ha ha. . Funny.

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now