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KAREN: Hey, goldilock. I know you're still in training so after you train can you ask your club if I can interview Borusia Dortmund players for my article I'm working on? Thanks.

ERIK: Sure.

KAREN: Wait, I thought you have training.

ERIK: I do but, I'm on my bathroom break then I heard my phone ringing so..

KAREN: You sneaky bastard ;) Get back out to the pitch before your coach gets mad at you.

ERIK: To be honest, I would rather talk to you than to sweat my ass off.

KAREN: You flatter me Durm. Seriously though, I don't want you get in trouble.

ERIK: I don't care if I get in trouble. I really want to talk to you.

KAREN: Erik..

ERIK: Karen..

KAREN: We can talk later. Your training is more important than me right now. You have a pre-season match coming up, right?

ERIK: Yeah but it's only a friendly match. I say you're more important than training.

KAREN: Erik.. Seriously.

ERIK: Karen.. Seriously.

KAREN: You are too much.

ERIK: I am.

KAREN: When is the end of your training?

ERIK: Not in about one and a half hour. Why?

KAREN: See you after training.

ERIK: What?

KAREN: I'm going to go there so go back to your training.

ERIK: You're the best.

KAREN: I know I am, go!

ERIK: Yes ma'am.

Special Someone (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now