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Dear whatever this is,

Mats gave me this small journal for me to write down my feelings...(?) So technically... he gave me a diary..

Never mind that..

I don't get what's the point of all of these.

But, I'm going to write anyway.

Here it is,

I am completely, madly, in love with my best friend.

I can't believe I would say that words these days.

I am so confused. I don't know what to do. Why do I even love her? She have a boyfriend. I don't need to be reminded that she have a boyfriend. I KNOW she has a boyfriend.

It's so unfair. She's my best friend.

She's my everything-


You have one new message

MATS: So, how's the diary??

ERIK: So you did give me a diary.

MATS: Duhh.

ERIK: It's a manly journal not a sissy diary.

MATS: Well, whatever you want to call it. Just write your feelings down so you would feel better.

ERIK: I feel like a teenage girl.

MATS: Oh but, Erik,

MATS: You are (secretely, but maybe) a teenage girl.

ERIK: Verdammt dich, Hummels.

MATS: Haha, enjoy writing!

ERIK: Whatever. Just go away.


Mats just sent me a text, this is a diary (but let's just ignore that and say taht this is a manly journal).

Like I write down before; Karen, my best friend, has a freakin' loving boyfriend who is hella rich. Not saying that she's a gold digger, but she purely loves him. She loves him like... like... like I love her.

I'm going to stop here. I can hear her footsteps coming towards my room.


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