3: Lunch Date

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*December 4th 1969*

THE EVENTS OF THREE days ago had played out over and over in my mind since the day they occurred. I was desperately hoping to see Roger again. I had given him my number and told him where I worked in the hope he would call me or stop in for a coffee but neither of those things had happened yet.

I was beginning to worry that I was just another girl at a show who stopped to chat to him, maybe I wasn't easy about for him. Please don't let me be just another girl.

"So, this is a nice place you got here," a familiar voice said as I stood at the counter in the coffee shop waiting for customers.

"Roger!" I was overjoyed to see him, maybe I wasn't just another girl after all.

"Julie!" He replied, feigning my surprise. "Julie, I've been thinking,"

"Have you?" I asked, feeling a wee bit suspicious.

"Yeah, I want to give you a nickname,"

"Really? Like what?"

"Uh, Jules, how d'you like Jules?"

"I like it, Jules it is," I smiled. He just gave me a nickname. I'm going to die.

"So, Jules, when do you get off work?"

"Well I've got my lunch break in ten minutes," I told him, checking my watch.

"That's great, do you maybe wanna go get something to eat in another coffee shop? I figure maybe you would want a change of scene," he flashed me a perfect smile.

"Yeah, that sounds great. Do you wanna just hang around here until it's time for my break? It's not even ten minutes away,"

"Yeah, I don't mind at all," I smiled at his reply. He was just so perfect. His blonde hair suited his big, puppy dog eyes amazingly. I hoped he felt the same about me as I did about him.


"Ready to go?" I asked, pulling my coat on and wrapping my woolly scarf around my neck.

"Yeah, I know the place," he told me, opening the door for me. "M'lady," he stretched his arm out in front of the door and bowed down.

"Why thank you, sir," I tried to mimic his posh accent but it sounded awful.

"Maybe we should try and work on your accents a bit," he told me, holding his arm out for me to take. I wrapped my hand around his elbow and felt the muscles that he's picked up from drumming.

"This way, and please don't slip," he told me with a smile.

"I'll try but you have yet to witness my unbelievable awkwardness,"

"What?" He looked like he didn't believe me.

"No, Roger, I'm not joking; it's really embarrassing,"

Arm in arm, we giggled all the way down to the little coffee shop that had amazing looking cakes in the window.

"Roger, look at those cakes," I sounded like a small child as I pointed at a particularly good looking chocolate cake.

"We'll get a slice, love, don't worry," he patted my hand which was still wrapped around his arm.


Two empty plates sat on the table in front of us; well, empty except for a few dark chocolate crumbs from the cake that tasted as good as it looked.

"So, what's it like up in Scotland?" He asked, sipping his tea which he was desperate to get.

"Well, it's a lot colder and wetter than England and it's pretty grey most of the time but it's the best place in the world. The highlands are absolutely beautiful, I always used to go up there to this little place called Aviemore with my grandparents before-" I stopped myself, "Uh, before I moved here."

Save Me (Roger Taylor FanFiction) [Wattys 2019]Where stories live. Discover now