31: Never Again

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*14th January 1972*


I had just told Roger that I was pregnant and he, worryingly, had sat staring at me without a word. I was praying he was going to get over his shock and support me like Mary had said he would. Let's hope her faith in him had not been misplaced.

"You're...You're pregnant?" He breathed, finally taking his eyes off of me and focusing them on the floor.

"Apparently so,"

"H-how? We used protection,"

"Sometimes it doesn't work," I told him, desperate to touch his hand but scared as to how he would react.

He quickly got up out of the chair, taking his coat that was wrapped around the back of it. "I need some air," He stuck his hand in his coat pocket and I heard the jingle of his car keys.

"Roger, please don't leave,"

"I just-I just need some air for a bit," he said, not looking back at me as he walked out the house.

My breath caught in my throat as I heard the slam of the door. I ran my hand through my hair and brought it down to rest over my mouth. I ran to the sink and threw up again.

My eyes stung with tears which refused to fall. My life seemingly had really taken a turn for the worse. I fell to my knees and sobbed in the lonely house.

How pathetic of me. Crying on my knees on the floor because of a man? Nice.

Please, God, let Roger come home to me.

He couldn't really leave me over this, could he? Surely Brian would talk him into staying. Wouldn't he want to stay with me?


Hours later and I was beginning to think Roger was never coming home to me and our baby. An empty mug of coffee sat on the kitchen table next to me. My chin was resting in the palm of my hand and my eyes stung from all the tears I'd cried.

When I heard the door open and close, my heart skipped a beat and I prayed it was Roger and not a murderer.

"Jules?" His voice told me that it was indeed Roger. I didn't answer him. I'd waited here for hours not knowing when the hell he was coming back or even if he was coming back so I think he could stand to look through the house for me.

"Jules? Jules, love, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have walked out on you,"

I said nothing still and I didn't look at him.

"Please, say something to me, love," He begged, coming to sit on the chair facing mine.

When I finally looked at him, he seemed shocked to look into my red rimmed eyes.

"Roger, do you have any idea what you just put me through?" I began, my voice very low. "Do you have any idea what it felt like to have a child inside you and to have the father of that child run out on you? I had no idea if you were coming back or if I was going to have to do this alone. If you ever do that to me again, Roger Taylor, I will not forgive you if you decide to come back," I was very angry with him unless you couldn't tell. He looked scared when my rant was over with.

"I'm sorry, darling. I won't do it again, ever. I panicked and I needed time to comprehend what you'd actually told me. I was just shocked, that's all,"

I sighed, realising that Mary had gotten the situation exactly right. Roger did panic but he did come around.

"It's okay, Rog. I understand; I had a moment like that myself." I laughed, thinking about my moment in the bathroom with Mary.

"So...you've actually got a baby in there?" He asked, pointing to my stomach making me nod. "And it's mine?"

I reached forward and whacked his arm. "Of course it is, you idiot,"

"Wow," he said, moving off the kitchen chair and onto his knees in front of me. He placed his hand on my stomach and held it there for a moment. "My baby is in there?" He asked again, looking up at me with a teary smile.

"Yup," I replied, tears forming in my eyes too.

He laughed, a tear escaping his eye. He rested his ear on my stomach and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad,"

Thank god, he seemed now that he was happy about it.

"I can't believe you're going to be a dad either. I mean, you, the man who can't even boil an egg,"

"Well, I'm pretty sure having a baby has nothing to do with having to boiling things so I'm sure I'll be fine,"

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his head. When he pulled away, he excitedly jumped to his feet.

"I have to tell Brian!" Roger announced, running towards the phone. I quickly tugged his arm and pulled him back.

"You can't tell anyone yet," I told him and watched his face fall.

"Well, why not?" He asked, sounding very disappointed.

"They always tell you to wait until the end of the first trimester to tell people so you aren't... you know, jinxing it."

"Isn't that like, three months away?"

I nodded and he groaned loudly. "We'll need to get you a doctor's appointment very soon," he told me, holding my hands in his.

"Can you believe this?" I asked, bringing his hands towards my stomach again. "Our wee baby is in here," I smiled up at him.

He bent his head down to softly press his lips to mine, then he crouched down to his knees in front of my belly again.

"Right, this is your dad speaking. Right now, you are inside the most beautiful woman to ever grace the planet, your mother," I blushed and lightly pushed the side of his head. "You are going to have the best life, and I am going to give you everything. I hope you can hear me so I'm not just freaking your mummy out for no reason,"

I laughed through the happy tears that were tumbling down my cheeks and sunk to my knees in front of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into the tightest hug ever.

"I'm so happy right now," He whispered into my ear.

I am too, Roger.

I am too.



Roger did a runner but everything's fine. He has returned to Julie's side and they are having a wee baby! Yay!

Keep reading!


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