32: Telling Queen

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*16th April 1972*

THREE MONTHS LATER AND Roger and I could finally tell people about the baby. Roger was so excited when the guys and Mary started piling into the house. 

Mary already knew why we were demanding that they all come over for a spontaneous visit and she didn't stop smiling. My small baby bump was growing bigger everyday and so was our excitement to meet the baby. In just a matter of six months, Roger and I were going to have wee human in this house. 

"Darling, can you please tell us why you've gathered us here? You've hardly given any explanation and we are desperate to know," Freddie demanded, sitting down on the couch. 

"Well," I began, glancing at Roger for a bit of support. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my arm. "Roger and I...We're-"

"We're having a baby," Roger blurted out making the jaws of the band members drop to the floor. 

"What?!" Freddie exclaimed, jumping to his feet and rushing over to me. He swooped me up, out of Roger's grip, and spun me around in a circle. "That's amazing news, my darling," he laughed, finally setting me down on my feet. 

"Isn't it?" I grinned back, unable to contain my joy. Mary came over to me and wrapped her arms tightly around my shoulders. 

"I told you everything would be fine," She smiled and I hugged her back. 

Brian squeezed his hand on Roger's shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug. John stood behind Brian, looking conflicted. I felt bad for him but I couldn't have just not told him. I prayed he could find a girl of his own very soon so that he could be happy. 

"I'm so glad you were right," I replied, pulling back from our embrace. 

Brian rushed over to me, kissed my cheek and pulled me into a hug. "Congratulations," he said, "And thank you; I've never seen Roger so happy in my life," he whispered, making me blush when I pulled back from him. 

"I've never been so happy either, I'm lucky to have him," I replied, glancing over at Roger. 

Freddie ruined the moment Brian and I were having by rushing in between the two of us and placing his hand on my little bump. "Can a baby hear what's going on in the outside world?" He questioned. 

"Yes," I answered, knowing he was about to start talking to my stomach. 

He bent down to his hunkers. Yup. Here we go. 

"This your uncle Freddie here. You don't know this yet, but I am the most brilliant person that you will ever meet. Even better than your parents," 

"Freddie!" Mary exclaimed, whacking shoulder and making him fall on his arse. 

"Whoops, wasn't as steady as I thought I was," he giggled, trying to get up off the floor. "Oh someone give me a hand, I can never get off the floor once I get down," he instructed, holding his hand out. 

Brian placed his hand in Freddie's and hauled him up. "Good lord, Fred, you are not light," Brian said after struggling to pull Freddie's weight. 

"It's all muscle, darling," Freddie replied, flexing the muscles in his biceps. 

"Most of it," Mary whispered to me but Freddie heard her. He placed his hands on her waist and squeezed, making her squeal and bat his hands away. 

"Is no one going to mention how crazy it is that Roger is going to have a baby? How the hell are you going to look after a baby? You can barely look after yourself," Brian joked, hitting Roger's shoulder. 

"Shut up, Brian! Can everyone please stop saying that?" Roger moaned, starting to become stroppy. 

"Uh oh, is someone going to have a wee temper tantrum?" I cooed, deliberately winding him up. I was very familiar with Roger's tantrums and they sometimes were extremely funny. 

"Jules, shove off," He huffed, pulling his shoulder away when I touched it. This just made me giggle even more. 

"Julie, you've got your work cut out for you. You're going to have to deal with a stroppy baby and a stressy Roger," Brian laughed. 

"I know," I groaned. "I don't know how I'll survive,"

"Stop!" Roger groaned, louder this time. 

"Okay, we'll stop now, Rog," I laughed, wrapping my arm around his slim waist. He stood with his arms folded for a minute and then moved to wrap his arm around my neck, resting his hand on my shoulder. 


After a long and laughter filled visit from the guys and Mary, Roger and I were once again left by ourselves in this house. We lay in bed next to each other, wordlessly.

"Roger," My voice cut through the still silence of the late hours of the night. 

"Yeah?" He replied, turning on his side to face me. 

"You know we're only joking, right?" I asked, "I know you're going to be an amazing father,"

"Oh, I know you are, love," he smiled, reassuringly at me. "And you are going to be an amazing mother," He whispered. 

"I'm so glad I'm having my baby with you, I wouldn't want to experience this with anyone else in this world," I whispered back, not wanting to disturb the beautiful silence. 

"I'm glad you are with me on this. I love you more than anything," Roger told me, making my stomach flip. 

"I love you too," I replied, moving my face forward to press a kiss to his lips. 

During the kiss, his hands moved down my body towards my stomach where he let them rest. His hands were warm on the fabric of my t-shirt and the light pressure of them on my stomach made me feel calm. He rested his head on my shoulder and that's the way we fell asleep together. 

All the world was at peace just for that one night. Just me, Roger and our beautiful wee baby. 




So, how is everyone spending their New Year's Eve? I personally am writing a fanfiction about a member of Queen, when all my friends are out partying and I have to say, I made the right choice. 

2018 has been a pretty terrible year for me but I am so glad to say, I am getting better every single day. My life seems to be falling into place even though it really felt like it was coming to an end during the year. 

If you are ever struggling, please don't forget that life will always get better. Even though you might not feel like you can, keep moving forward and you will always get to a better place. Find something you can love and trust in yourself.

Love to everyone, and a happy new year when it comes! I hope 2019 brings everything to you that you are hoping for. 

Keep reading!


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