34: Home

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*23rd April 1972*

"JULES, WILL YOU JUST calm down? I'm fine, honestly," Roger chuckled as I tried to help him through the front door.

"I just don't want you to hurt yourself, Rog. Are you sure you're definitely okay? Do you need me to help you with anything?" Of course, I was panicking about him ending up on the floor in agony and there would be nothing I could do about it.

"Yes, love, I'm sure," He said, holding my wrists in his hands to stop me prodding at him. "God, if I'd known you'd be like this, I wouldn't have gotten myself beaten up," he joked and I hit his shoulder making him cry out in pain.

"Roger, I'm so sorry, I just-"

"I'm just joking, love. It didn't hurt at all, just relax," He laughed lightly, taking both of my shoulders in his hands. "You're the pregnant one; I was sure I'd be the one going crazy about trying to take care of you but here you are. Stop taking my jobs!" He joked more, leaning forward and kissing my forehead.

"Sorry," I said, hiding my smile.

"How did I ever get anywhere without you mothering me?"

"Well, soon there are going to be two people in this house for me to mother."

He didn't reply, he simply stood staring at me and rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"What?" I asked, uncomfortable under his gaze.

"You are so beautiful, I love you," He replied simply.

"Yeah, what a smooth talker," I laughed, moving out of his grip to start making him something to eat. "But I love you too,"



"Now is there anyone who might have wanted to hurt you, Mr Taylor?"  When the police officer who was interviewing Roger asked him this, we both exchanged glances with each other and one name came to mind.

"Okay, we'll go and have words with him. That'll be all," the officer concluded when Roger had said Lucas' name. The two officers packed and left Roger and I in peace. Brian had left around ten minutes ago, before the police arrived. He said he'd wanted to leave Roger and I alone.

"Roger,"  I mumbled, feeling my eyes well with tears I'd been saving all night and I rushed over to him, bending down and clasping his cheeks in my hands. I lowered my head to the bed and pushed my face into his warm neck that smelled like his attractive aftershave.

"It's okay, Jules," He said, trying to sit up but flinching when the pain struck him from his ribs.

"It's not okay, look at you! Look at what's happened to you and it's my fault!"

"It's not your fault, love. I am glad about something though,"

"What could you possibly be glad about? That you're not dead?"

"Okay, I'm glad about two things," he corrected himself, chuckling lightly so as not to hurt his ribs. "I'm glad that it was me who had to take it this time, and not you,"

"You're too sweet for your own good sometimes," I whispered, a tear slipping from my eye. I pressed my lips to his in a tender kiss.

I was beyond happy that Roger was okay and it hadn't been worse. It could have been a lot worse. He had told me he didn't want to lie down because he'd never be able to get back up so I'd helped him into one of the kitchen chairs. Then there was a knock at the front door.

I made my way towards it and when I opened it, I was immediately pushed to the side and in swept Freddie Mercury.

"Where is he? Where is he, Julie, darling?" He cried, very theatrically. Mary, Brian and John followed behind him but they at least greeted me.

"He's in the kitchen, Fred. Just, by all means, go right through," I told him sarcastically, following him to the kitchen.

"Roger, my dear!" Freddie exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air and then shocking Roger by leaning down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Freddie!" Roger whined, wiping his cheek like a child would when they'd been kissed by their old aunt.

"Are you alright, dear?" Freddie asked, ignoring Roger completely.

"Yeah, I'm fine, honestly. Will everyone just stop making such a fuss about it?"

"Rog, you were beaten up outside a pub by two guys; allow us to make a bit of a fuss about you," John quipped, moving forward to pat Roger on the back.

Roger sighed but I knew he appreciated this from the members of Queen and I was glad he had friends like the three of them.

"Are you doing okay, love?" Mary asked me quietly when the four men entered into a conversation about the fight.

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I've been worried out my mind about Roger but I suppose that's to be expected," I told her, running my hand through my hair. "I'm just glad to have him back home so soon. I was worried he'd be in hospital for a lot longer,"

"He'll be okay," Mary said, placing her hand on my arm.

"I hope so," I replied, opening my mouth to ask about her and Freddie but I was interrupted by the sound of Roger's pain. I looked over to see that Freddie had made him laugh.

"Freddie!" I chastised, rushing over to Roger to place my hand on his back.

"I'm fine," Roger said, sitting up straight after he had been doubled over in pain. "Freddie, when I'm better, I'm gonna kill you," He threatened with a light laugh.

"Yeah, I'm sure you are," Freddie replied, standing behind me.

"You can't hide behind my pregnant girlfriend," Roger groaned.

"Yeah I can, she'll protect me, she loves me,"

"Sure I will," I said sarcastically, stepping aside.

"Julie! You've betrayed me! Why on earth would pick him over me?"

I loved these people so much.



I hope you guys enjoyed this wee filler chapter! Thank you so much for 3K reads, it was only a few days ago that I was thanking you for 2K. It means a lot!

Thanks for all the lovely comments and messages! They really make me happy!

Keep reading!


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