7: I Trust You

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*December 13th 1969*

IT HAD BEEN A FEW DAYS since I'd heard from Roger and I was starting to lose faith in him. I hoped he hadn't lost interest in me and the fact that he hadn't made a move on me the other day didn't help those fears.

In that time, I'd started to wonder if I was just a stupid girl chasing after a musician, the most unreliable kind of man. How many girls had he just left to run after him?

I was not having much fun in the coffee shop this morning as I stood and watched the rain from the window. It reminded me of the day he'd held the jacket over our heads and I'd snuggled up to him to stay dry.

Suddenly the door opened and a tall, handsome guy in a soaking wet suit ran inside the warm shop. I raised my eyebrows at his appearance.

"A little wet, is it?" I asked him, jokingly. His blue eyes flicked up to meet my eyes and my stomach flipped a wee bit. What's going on here?

"Just a bit," he replied with a smile.

"What can I get you?" I asked him, trying not to fall into my usual awkward tones.

"A black coffee please,"

"Sitting in or taking away?" I asked as I set to work, making his coffee.

"Sitting in," he laughed, eying the sheets of rain falling down outside.

"I'm Lucas, by the way," he told me, sticking his hand over the counter for me to shake.

"Julie," I replied, gladly shaking his hand.

"That's a lovely name," he smiled at me and my stomach flipped again. He was beautiful.

This is a wee bit bad though because I have no idea what's going on with me and Roger. Well maybe that makes this okay; I have no idea what's going on with me and Roger. He would have no right to be annoyed with me, not that he actually would be since he doesn't seem to care.

Overthinking again.

"Well, thank you," I replied, smiling at him. This could be really good for me.

"Rough day?" I asked him when I noticed his face drop after our conversation ended.

"You could say that," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked him, hoping I wasn't overstepping the mark since we'd just met.

"Well, I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me yesterday and today I was late for a job interview and they basically told me that, because of that, I'm unlikely to get it,"

"That's terrible!" I sympathised with him on both accounts. Finding someone you cared about cheating on you was not a good feeling; neither was not doing well in a job interview. "Don't feel bad," I told him, although I'd never been very good at comforting people.

"It's too late for that," He said, not looking at me.

"Well, how about I give you a cake? Will that cheer you up? Cake always makes me feel better!" I was clutching at straws, feeling my awkwardness coming out.

"That would be nice but I only had the money for the coffee,"

"No, no! It's no charge,"

I really need to stop giving men things in this shop for no charge.


Lucas and I had chatted for hours about life and I think he was feeling a wee bit better about things by the end of our conversations. His smile was back and his spirits seemed raised. Everything was going well until...

"Jules, you'll never guess what!"

Oh, great. Oh, dear. Oh, shit.

It's Roger.

So, he hasn't spoken to me for a week and this is the moment he picks to finally show up?  When I had almost forgotten the fact that he hasn't spoken to me and didn't make a move.

"Lucas," His smile fell when he set eyes on Lucas.


Well, you could almost smell the testosterone.  They clearly didn't like each other.

"You two know each other?" I asked, standing up and stepping back from the table Lucas and I had been sitting at.

"Used to," Roger replied, not taking his eyes off of Lucas.

"I think I better be going, Julie; I'll see you later," He smiled at me and placed his hand on my shoulder. When he re-fixed his eyes on Roger, Roger did not look happy. He swiftly left the coffee shop and that's when Roger started on me.

"Jules, you have to keep away from that guy,"

"What? Why? He seems so nice,"

"Yeah, that's his plan to lure you in. I'm telling you Jules, please listen to me; don't get involved with him,"

"Roger, it's not up to you who I choose to get involved with,"

"I'm just looking out for you, love,"

"Well, I don't need you to do that," I replied, instantly regretting my sharp tone when I saw the hurt in his eyes. "Roger, please don't worry," I softened my tone and stood a little closer to him.

"Please, keep away from him then,"

I sighed and stepped back from him, looking down. "He probably doesn't want that and frankly neither do I; I've had quite enough of men," I hadn't meant this to sound as harsh as it did. He didn't say anything for a minute but I noticed him taking a step back.

"Jules, I saw the way he looked at you, I know exactly what he wants but if that's the way you're going to look at the opposite sex there's nothing I can do about that,"

"What did you even want to tell me in the first place?" I asked, getting defensive when I heard his cold tone.

"It doesn't matter anymore, don't worry about it,"

"Roger, what the hell is up with you? What is it that I said that annoyed you?" I was trying to force him into admitting that he felt something for me that wasn't just friendly but until he did, he had no reason to be angry at me.

"Nothing, love, I'm fine," He tried to smile but it really didn't reach his eyes.

"Are you jealous?" Where did the confidence to say that come from? I immediately regretted it.

"What?" His face turned an embarrassing shade of red. "Why would I be jealous? I'm not j-jealous,"

"You are, aren't you?" I smiled at him, poking him in the shoulder.

"Fine, maybe a little bit. I have a bit of a fancy for you, love," He admitted with a confident smile.

"Do you? Wouldn't have guessed," I desperately wanted to play this as cool as he was but the truth was, I wasn't that cool so I had no hope.

"Love, please keep away from him,"

"What, so I can sit for a week and hear nothing from you? Sounds fair to me," Seriously, what was in the coffee I drank this morning? I seemed to have a bit of power here; that never happened to me.

"I'll call you every day if that's what'll keep you away from him,"

"What is it about him that you don't like?" I asked, simply because I was curious.

"I don't think you wanna know, love; just trust me," He placed his hand on my shoulder just like Lucas had but Roger's felt so much better; it felt reassuring and like that's where his hand should be. I reached my hand up and placed it on the middle of his forearm that was extended towards me.

"I trust you, Rog,"


Why doesn't Roger like Lucas I wonder?

What does that last wee bit mean for Rog and Jules? I feel like Roger has kind of just admitted he likes Jules but if that's the case then why does she end up with Lucas?

Keep reading!


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