30: A Test

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*14th January 1972*

ROGER WAS OUT WITH Brian, leaving me in the house by myself. I still didn't really feel right and I was beginning to wonder about something.

When did I last have my period?

I can't even remember, but it should have been by now.

Oh, dear. Oh, great. Oh, shit.

I shakily made my way over to the phone that sat on the table in the living room. I picked the handset up and held it to my ear. I turned the dial and waited for an answer.



"Freddie, it's me. I need to s-speak to Mary please," I cursed my voice for stuttering.

"Julie? Is everything okay, darling?" He had picked up on the scared tone in my voice.

"Everything's fine, I just need to speak to Mary if she's there," I repeated, starting to get frustrated.

"Okay. Mary, darling! Julie wants to speak to you,"

I heard Mary's voice get closer to the phone until she eventually said, "Hi Julie! You alright?"

"Mary, I-I think I'm..." I couldn't bring myself to form the words.

"Julie? What's wrong? Go away, Freddie," I heard her say to Freddie who was obviously being his usual nosey self.

"Mary, I think I might be..." I stopped myself again as I felt a lump form in my throat. I was terrified.

"What?" She pressed, sounding concerned.

"I think I'm pregnant," I forced myself to say. The word left a foul taste in my mouth and I wanted to vomit again.

"You're...what?!" She asked, sounding as horrified as me.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I heard Freddie's voice in the background.

"Freddie, go away." Mary instructed and then I heard the sound of a shutting door.

"I'm scared, Mary," I whispered, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"It's going to be alright, darling. Do you know for sure?"

"No, uh, no, I don't have a-a-a test," a string of words that vaguely resembled a sentence tumbled out of my mouth.

"Okay, I'm going to go and get one and bring it over to you right now, I'll be there in about ten minutes, love,"

"Okay, thank you," I stuttered and out the phone down. My head fell to my hands and I inhaled sharply.

I really hoped I wasn't pregnant.


"How long does it take?" I asked, shakily.

"It says it should only be two or three minutes," Mary replied.

"Oh, Mary, I don't think I'm going to be able to deal with this,"

"You will, darling. Just don't panic,"

I looked down at the little stick and saw a plus. "It's positive," I wailed, breaking into a flood of tears.

"Darling, don't cry. This could be a really good thing! You're having a little baby," Mary comforted me with a smile.

"But I don't know how Roger will react. What if he breaks up with me? What if he leaves me to deal with it myself?"

"Julie, Roger may not be the most responsible or mature person we know, but he loves you. He really does and he won't leave you for this. I bet he'll be really excited. It might be a shock for him but he'll come round," Mary's voice was assuring and soothing.

"Do you think he will?" I asked, wiping my eyes and sniffing loudly.

"Of course I do," she smiled. "Don't worry about telling him, it'll be okay."

Suddenly, the front door opened and I hear Roger's familiar footsteps in the hall.

"Jules? Love, are you here? I brought you some chips from that chippy you like," he called and I widened my eyes at Mary.

This was going to look really strange to him. Mary and I were sitting in the bathroom, seemingly doing nothing.

"Love, are you in?"

"I'm in here, Rog," I finally answered his calls after some shoving from Mary.

I hid the pregnancy test in my back pocket and Mary and I left the bathroom. I stumbled into Roger as I wasn't expecting him to be standing right there.

He caught me in his arms and chuckled, "Woah, watch where you're going love!"

I laughed nervously and stepped away from him.

"Mary, it's good to see you,"

"Yeah, it's good to see you too, sober this time," she joked, trying to calm my neves.

"Oh I know, sorry about that,"

"That's okay, I'm going to need to head,"

"I'll come and show you out," I jumped at the opportunity to leave.

"No, that's alright, I know where the door is," she said, glaring at me, silently telling me to tell him.

"Bye, Mary," Roger said, with a smile, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Once Mary was gone, I was left on my own with Roger.

"What was Mary doing here?" Roger asked, walking into the kitchen to put down the food he'd brought back.

"Roger, I think you're going to want to sit down."



She's pregnant! How do you think Roger is going to react?

Just a wee short chapter just now but I'll probably end up posting another one before the end of the day.

Thanks for 2K reads!

Keep reading!


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