17: Finally

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*14th December 1971*

ROGER AND I HAD SPENT quite a while hugging each other until he tightened his arms a bit too much and the bruise on my back that I'd forgotten about reminded me it was there.

"Ow," I shrieked and jumped back from Roger. He looked confused as he retracted his arms, quickly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on my elbow.

"When Lucas hit me, I fell on the ground really hard and I think I've got a bruise on my back," I told him, touching my back gently with my hand.

"Turn around and let me see," he instructed and I did as he had asked. I felt him lift my shirt a bit and then he gasped.

"Jesus, this doesn't look good at all! It's huge,"

"Really? I didn't think I hit the floor that hard,"

I shivered a bit when I felt the warmth of his hand on my bare back and when I turned to look at him, he didn't move his hand.

We stared at each other for a moment, saying nothing. I was all too aware of the contact his hand was still making with the small of my back and my heart was pounding in my chest. Roger was still kneeling in front of me but we were very close to each other.

Before I knew what was happening, our lips had met and the sparks that flew were the same as the ones the very first time we kissed. I'd forgotten how it felt to kiss someone who gave a damn about me that was more than the fact that I made them food.

I realised in that moment how much I'd missed the gentle touch that came from Roger Taylor. Lucas had always been very rough and he never took into account how I would be enjoying what he was doing; it was all about him.

My hands worked their way up into Roger's blonde hair where they balled into fists making him moan. He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto the floor in front of him.

He slid his hands underneath my shirt and swiftly pulled it over my head leaving me in just my bra. I fiddled with the buttons on his shirt until I too pulled it off of him.

So there we were, skin touching skin on the floor of Roger's living room. I couldn't believe this was happening but I had completely stopped listening to my brain and I was going with what I actually wanted.

Roger's lips moved from my lips to my neck as he continued to hold my head in his hand. "Roger..." I whispered, wondering where this was going.

He pulled away from kissing my neck, lust in his eyes but that disappeared when he looked at my face. His eyes traveled to the bruise on my cheek and his eyes held a different emotion.

Roger leaned in slowly and placed a soft, gentle and lingering kiss on my cheekbone where the bruise was. I closed my eyes and revelled in the feeling that came from this.

"Jules..." Roger's voice pulled me out of my mind and I opened my eyes to look at him. He caressed my cheekbone with the back of his hand.

"Jules, I need you to come back to me," his voice was barley audible but in the soft stillness of the hour after midnight, I heard him. It seemed like the whole world was at peace just for me and Roger. Like everyone was asleep but us.

I said nothing but kissed him again, feeling him mould around me. Both of his now bare arms were wrapped tightly around my back while my hands were still tangled in his hair.

"I need you too," I replied when he moved down to kiss my bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," he told me, running his hand up and down my spine.

"And I'm sorry for hurting you,"

His hand found the claps of my bra which he quickly took off and I let him. Lucas and I had slept together before but it had never really felt right and, even though I never liked to admit it to myself, my mind always floated to Roger. I'd never been with Roger because I wasn't ready for that when we were together.

I'm ready now.


When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was lying in Roger's bed with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist in a spoon position. I smiled when I remembered every single amazing detail about the night mostly how amazing Roger was. He was full of energy, we'll put it that way.

Lucas never held me when we slept. He never did what Roger was doing; he never made me feel like nothing could hurt me in the whole world. Roger wasn't even awake yet I felt completely safe simply because his arms were around me.

I realised now how much I'd really missed him. Although now that I started to think about it, I still felt a bit strange about him kissing Jeanette when we were together.

Things really would've been so much simpler if he hadn't been so drunk that night. It seems that the whole thing was Lucas' fault and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was the reason Jeanette was outside with Roger.

I turned around and buried my head into the warmth of Roger's embrace while he slept. His arms subconsciously tightened around me and I sighed into the comfort.

Neither of us had any clothes on and I don't even know where my shirt is anymore. I can't remember where I left it.

Roger tilted his head downwards so that his lips, nose and chin were rested against my head. "Good morning," he greeted, groggily. He pressed his lips to my forehead in a soft and lingering kiss.

"Good morning," I replied, draping my arm over his slim waist under the covers and pulling myself closer to him.

We lay there for what felt like hours with a word. I didn't worry about Lucas, I didn't think about Jeanette and I didn't remember the horrible experience I'd had a few nights ago. None of that was important now. It was just me and Roger in the whole world.

"I can't believe you're actually here, I thought I'd never have you in my arms ever again," he whispered into my hair. "You're my precious Jules, just like you always should be."



Okay so I just had my ceilidh at my school which, for those of you who don't know, a ceilidh is a type of Scottish dance. We do lots of amazingly fun dances to folk music and I have never been more tired in my life. I danced for about two hours and my calves are actually on fire.

I hope you enjoyed this sweet little chapter even though it was only short (like me). I wanted to have a chapter where I portrayed the stark differences in how Lucas makes Jules feel and how Roger makes her feel so here it is.

Keep reading!


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