26: Idiot Roger

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*6th January 1972*

"YOU ARE SUCH AN idiot, Roger Taylor," I shouted at him as I helped him into one of the chairs at the table in the kitchen. He was drunk, beyond drunk.

"I-I-I'm sorry, baby," He slurred, placing his hand on my arse. I slapped it out of the way and got a bag of frozen peas out of the freezer. I gave it to him to hold on his eye.

"This is ridiculous. I mean, what the hell were you thinking?"

"I don't know, love,"

I sighed and poured a glass of water for him. "Drink that, maybe it'll reduce your hangover."

Roger had really done it this time.


*A Few Hours Before*

"Freddie!" I greeted happily when we walked through his front door. It had been so long since we'd all been together. Freddie was finally having a band get together for the New Year. "Better late than never," as he'd said.

"Oh, my darling! Welcome to my humble abode," he replied, throwing his arms in the air. Freddie patted Roger three times on the back as he walked into the house.

"Happy New Year!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around Freddie.

"And to you, my dear," He replied, pulling back to kiss my cheek. He brought us both into the living room where Mary, John and Brian sat. They immediately stood to give us season's greetings.

"Here's a toast to the new year and to Julie and Roger, who finally got back together. We've been waiting long enough," Freddie announced, handing me and Roger a glass of champagne. We chuckled but held the glasses up with everyone else. Roger leaned over to kiss me, making everyone cheer (except John).

Roger drank his in the one go but I stared at mine, all I saw was Lucas. I nudged Roger and handed the glass to him. He gladly took it from me and drank it too.

"Slow down, Rog," I whispered as we took our seats somewhere in the room. There weren't really any left so Roger sat on top of his three band mates. They laughed and squirmed under his weight.

I sat on the floor next to Mary and fell into another conversation with her. She was a lovely girl and she was just right for Freddie. I did wonder if she knew what really happened to me, though. I wonder if Freddie told her.

Judging by the sympathetic look she kept giving me, she probably had the gist of it. I didn't really mind, though, because of how lovely she was to me.

"So, you work two jobs?" She asked me, sipping her drink.

"Yeah, I'm in a wee coffee shop and I also do photography for families and that,"

"That must be rather tiring," She mused and I nodded.

"It can be but I love the coffee shop and plus the money from photography isn't enough to live on,"

"Oh, I see," Mary replied, smiling gently.

Mary and I went on and talked all the night.


The four boys were drunk. Very drunk. Oh, how I hated New Year's parties.

Freddie had his arm wrapped all the way round Mary's neck as he sat behind her on the floor. He kept leaving slobbery kisses all over her face and telling her how much he loved her.

I wish Roger would do that. He was too busy jumping up and down with Brian, excited about something. I don't even know what they were excited about. They were actually holding hands and jumping around in little circles.

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