37: My Fault

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*16th June 1972*

*Roger's POV*

AFTER A BRILLIANT GIG and a few after drinks, I decided it was time for me to go home. Jules will probably be asleep by now so I'll need to let myself in.

Brian and John left a little while ago, trust me and Freddie to be the last ones standing. The only reason I was letting Freddie win is because I wanted to get home to Jules.

When I was walking up the path to my front door, I could hear the sound of screaming coming from inside the house. I started running towards the door immediately and unlocked it.

When I opened it, I saw Lucas straddling Jules on the floor, holding a bloodied knife over her body. There was a man who looked familiar lying down the hall in a pool of blood.

"Get the fuck off of her!" I shouted.

I acted quickly, grabbing hold of Lucas' shirt and pulling him off of Jules. That when I noticed Jules had been stabbed. Anger filled my body as I kicked the knife out of Lucas' hand and began to beat him for everything he'd ever done to my Jules.

Images of Jules running to my house covered in blood, her bruised wrist, her crying into my chest that she was terrified to go home, her telling me of how he'd grabbed her on the street on her birthday. All these things flooded into my mind and all the anger I'd felt on every occasion and I let it out of Lucas right here. All those times, I wasn't there to help her.

This time, I'm here.

I had the element of surprise so the fact that he was much bigger than me didn't help him; I got the upper hand right away. His blood was all over my knuckles as I stumbled away from his unconscious body. It took all the strength I had to stop myself from killing him.

I grabbed the knife that I'd kicked away and took it with me in case he got back up. I fell to my knees next to Jules' bloodied body. Tears spilled over my eyes as I shakily lifted her into my arms.

"Oh god, oh my god, please, love," I sobbed, lowering my forehead to hers. When I lifted my head back up, she had her eyes open. They were wide and full of fear and pain.

"Keep your eyes on me! I'm sorry, Jules, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," I whispered the last part, lowering my forehead again. Then I set her down on the floor gently and ran to the phone in the living room.

"I have to phone an ambulance, I'll be right back. Keep your eyes open, baby, please keep your eyes open!" I screamed, feeling helpless.

"999, what's your emergency?" The woman on the other end of the line had a calm voice.

"My girlfriend, she's-she's...I came home and I found...There were two men in the house and she got st-stabbed and she's-she's pregnant. One of the men was stabbed before I got in but the guy who stabbed her...I fought him off and now he's unconscious," I stuttered out, my heart racing and hands shaking from the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Calm down, sir," the woman told me. "I'm going to dispatch an ambulance and police, what is your address?"

I told her the address and tried to breath deeply. "I need you to stay on the phone now sir, is your girlfriend breathing?"

"I need to go and check, I'll be two minutes," I said, unable to take the phone into the living room.

I rushed over to her and bent down close to her slightly open mouth. I could feel her breath on my cheek and I silently thanked god that she was still alive. I felt her pulse which was sluggish.

"Yes she's breathing but her pulse rate is really slow," I told the woman, picking the phone back up from the living room.

"Okay, I need you to put pressure on her wound, can you do that?"

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