4: Arguments

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*December 2nd 1971*


This was the first sentence I'd heard every single morning since I moved in with Lucas. I had barley even woken up but was I allowed to just lie there for a few minutes? Nope.

"A fry up again?" I asked groggily to which he replied with a curt, "Yes."

It was a wonder he wasn't ten tonnes; he ate a fry up basically every morning. I didn't feel good from last night's alcohol; I wasn't much of a drinker so anytime I did, I felt very sick.

The last thing I wanted to be doing right now was standing over a stove, frying eggs and bacon for my ungrateful boyfriend, but, here I was. The smell of the fried food was making my stomach turn and I was desperate to have a lie down.

But, I didn't get to do that since I somehow managed to acquire the job of a maid. It was times like this where I was starting to agree with Queen as regards Lucas.

Thinking back on my night with them, I smiled a wee bit. It felt great to be with people who seemed to appreciate me (not including Roger), and I wished I could feel like that all the time. But again, here I was, standing at 7:30 in the morning, making my lazy boyfriend's breakfast.

"Lucas! It's ready," I shouted upstairs to him so he could hear me but it wouldn't surprise me if he'd fallen back asleep.

When I heard his loud and heavy footsteps coming downstairs, I took the opportunity to go and lie in bed for five minutes before I had to go to work.

What in the hell possessed me to drink three glasses of rum and lemonade on a Sunday? Oh, yeah: Roger Taylor.

"Just have one more, Jules."

"Go on, Jules, it'll make you feel better"

Feel better, my arse.


I was waiting tables in the cafe, cursing the day Roger was born when the four flamboyant boys wandered in. I sighed audibly and lowered my head, praying they didn't see the state I was in.

"My darling, Julie!" Freddie's loud voice made my headache a lot worse. He made his way over to me and kissed my cheeks again, his usual greeting.

"Freddie, not so loud," I whispered, not wanting Roger to hear because he would just make fun of me.

"Oh, my dear, are you okay? Did you drink too much last night?"

"Yes, thank you Freddie for telling the whole shop," I hissed at him, looking at everyone in the cafe who had stopped to look at me. They had obviously been wondering if the waitress was just angry and a mess because she was Scottish, but now they'll have added up in their heads that she's just hungover like every other Scottish person on a Monday.


"Jules, you're not hungover, are you?"

"Aw, not today, Rog, please," I begged him, unable to deal with his teasing today.

"Sorry, love," he snickered at me like a child. Damn him to hell.

I rolled my eyes and asked them what they wanted me to get for them.

"Nothing, sweetheart, we're just here to let you know we have another gig tonight," Freddie announced.

"Really? So soon?" I asked, still shattered from the night before.

"Yeah, it's the same place as yesterday but their entertainment for tonight pulled out and so the guy asked us to do it," Brian replied.

"Aw, that's good then. Yeah, I'll probably be there but I'll need to run it by Lucas first in case he wants to do something,"

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