38: Shock

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*16th June 1972*

*Roger's POV*

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE is my darling girl?" Freddie's voice could be heard from a hundred miles away.

"She's in there right now, we aren't allowed to go in," Brian answered. I couldn't speak, all I could do was try not to vomit and sit on a chair in the waiting room. My chin rested in my hands and I stared straight into space. I couldn't get the images of Jules covered in blood out of my head.

Mary, Freddie and John piled into the waiting room. Mary and John sat down next to me, both of them rubbing my back. I swallowed and clenched my jaw, my stomach wouldn't relax.

"Rog, you're so pale," Brian pointed out. "And maybe we should get someone to look at your hand?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," I said, glancing down at my bruised knuckles. "It doesn't matter though,"

I quickly stood up and began to pace the small room. What was I going to do? How was I going to deal with it if she didn't make it? How could I ever live without her?

"Roger, please sit down and try to relax,"

"How can I relax, Freddie? How can I possibly relax? My girlfriend and my baby could die tonight! And what would I be left with? Nothing. I've had everything I ever wanted for so long and now I'm going to end up with nothing, all because I wanted to stay in a pub, drinking,"

"That's not the reason, Roger. I told you this was not your fault," Brian told me.

"Of course it is, Brian! If I'd been there, I could've protected her,"

"If you'd been there, you might have ended up getting killed because Lucas' guy would've take you out first," John reasoned.

"Yeah, it's better that it went the way it did. You really battered him; I didn't know you had it in you," Brian laughed a little.

I tried to smile but I don't think it showed on my face because Brian stepped forward and pulled me into another hug.

"It's going to be alright," he told me for what felt like the hundredth time tonight. John and Freddie came forward and wrapped their arms around us in a big group hug.

Thank god for Queen.

"Excuse me?" A man's voice broke through the moment we were having. "You can come and see her now. She's stable but she's not awake,"

I broke out of the embrace of my band and rushed to follow the man.

There she lay, beautiful as she ever was. Her hair fell gently on the pillow and her long eyelashes rested on her pale cheeks.

She had a large bandage wrapped around her chest and the steady beep of the monitor indicated that her heart was okay.

"Your baby is perfectly fine as well, he hasn't harmed the baby at all,"

Relief came out of me in the form of a deep sigh. Thank god they were both okay.

"When will she wake up?"

"That's the one thing we aren't sure of. It could be days, could be weeks. I think we're just going to have to wait and see,"

Brian placed a supportive hand on my shoulder when the band and Mary caught up with us. I heard Freddie gasp when he looked at Jules' face which was paler than usual (and that's saying something).

"We'll give you a minute, Rog. We'll be right out there," Brian told me, leaving the room and shutting the door.

"Jules?" I said tentatively, making my way over to her bedside. "Jules, love? It's me, Roger,"

I reached the bed and I wrapped both of my hands around her small wrist. "I don't know if you can hear me, darling, but I want you to wake up. I need you to be here with me, I don't think I can live without you. I love you so much, baby,"

Tears streamed from my eyes as I lifted her hand to my lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. I leaned over further and placed my hand on her swollen belly.

"And I love you too," I said to her stomach, giving it a gentle rub. I bent down and left a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"You can come in now," I said when I pulled the door open. My four friends walked into the room.

Freddie immediately rushed to the bedside and collapsed into the chair I was just sitting in. He began to sob loudly at the sight of Jules. She not only had a stab wound right in the middle of her chest, but she also appeared to have a burst lip. He must've hit her too.

I should've killed him.

Suddenly, my hand flew to my mouth and I ran out of the room to the toilet next door. All the alcohol I had drank and all the food I had eaten was now in the toilet bowl as I kneeled over it.

I don't even know what had made me vomit. Maybe it was the blood, maybe it was the shock, I wasn't sure. But the horrible sensation of vomiting was one I'd gladly experience every day if it meant I could turn back time and protect Jules from this nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Mary asked when I came out of the toilet. She was standing outside the toilet door, obviously having seen me run out.

"Nope," I replied, not knowing what to do with myself. "I'm not going to be alright until she is," I said, pointing a finger at the room in which Jules was.

"She's a strong one, Roger and she will pull through this," Mary told me, placing a supportive hand on my bicep. There was something about Mary that was calming and reassuring, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Either way, I was glad she was here. "Thank you for being here," I told her, pulling her into a hug.

"Of course I would be here! She's like a sister," Mary said, hugging me back.

"She'll get through it," she repeated.

I hoped to god that she was right.



Why the hell am I posting two chapters probably within the same hour as each other? It's to celebrate reaching 4K reads!

I am absolutely shocked about how quickly it went from 3K to 4K. I was thanking you for 3K literally two days ago!

Thank you so much and as always, keep reading!


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