42: Mother Love

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*5th October 1972*

THESE LAST FEW MONTHS have been some of the happiest months of my life. My belly was ready to burst any day now which was making Roger and I very excited.

I could barley move to do anything these days because my baby bump was getting in the way of everything. I could barley even get up.

"Roger!" I shouted as I struggled to get up from the couch.

He came running through to the living room, obviously thinking it was baby time. "What? What is it? What's wrong? Is the baby coming?"

"What? No, no, I just can't get up," I replied, holding my hands out to him to pull me up.

"You are going to give me a heart attack at this rate," he said, pulling me to my feet.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you had a heart attack, playing the drums won't do your heart any good," I said, standing up.

Suddenly, I felt a small twinge in my stomach that lasted a few seconds. In that time, I held Roger's hands and stared at the floor.

"What is it?" He asked, moving one hand to my shoulder and the other to my cheek. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine; I just stood up too fast, I think," I laughed it off when the sensation passed, pretending to have been dizzy. I didn't want to get Roger's hopes up for nothing; he was beyond excited to meet the baby.

"You sure?" He asked, not letting me go just yet.

"Yes! Of course I am," I assured him, holding onto his wrist.

Was I though?


An hour later and the small twinges had grown into much more painful contractions. I was almost 100% sure that I was having the baby and so I decided that now was the best time to tell Roger.

Now: when he in the middle of practicing the drums.

The loud banging of the drums was very annoying while I was experiencing contractions that were closer and more painful every time they came.

"Roger?" I said when I went into the room which was an exercise in futility because there was no way he'd hear me. "Roger?!" I shouted and that's when the sound finally stopped.

He looked up at me and his face turned into a worried expression; I never interrupted his drum practice.

"Are you alright?"

"Well," I began, drawing out the word. "I think the baby is coming," I finished, my face screwing up in pain as I felt another contraction.

"What?! Now?" He asked, jumping to his feet.

"Now," I replied, leaning against the wall to try to ease the pain which didn't work.

"We need to go to the hospital," he announced, rushing over to me.

"We don't need to go right now, this is going to be a long day. I need food first,"

"What? But you could have the baby any second!"

"Roger, you studied biology, why don't you know that labour is a very long process? I've already been having contractions for an hour and-"

"An hour?!" He exclaimed, grabbing hold of my shoulders.

"Yes, an hour, Roger," I said, shutting my eyes as another contraction hit me.

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