Ch. 1

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"Oh my god..."

We're up against a rock wall with a wall of Titans closing in on us. We can't use our 3DMG's to escape without wasting the last of our gas or risk a Titan snatching us out of the air like a snake striking at its prey. Levi snarls, "Damn it..."

I start raising my hand to my mouth, but someone stops me. Mikasa pleads, "Don't do it, Eren! There's too many of them for you to fight!"

I take my hand back roughly and growl, "I have to do something or we'll all die!"

I glare at the wall of Titans and bring my hand to my mouth when I hear deafening footsteps, and they weren't coming from the Titans. The Titans miraculously stop and look around them with something that seems like...fear. We all look up at the cliff as shadows wash over us and my eyes widen at what I see.

I see two ginormous wolves staring down at the Titans. They were complete opposites, one completely white and the other completely black. Armin asks out loud in awe, "Wolves?"

They suddenly lunge forward and attack the Titans. The Titans immediately scatter as a few aren't lucky enough to escape the huge wolves' fangs and claws. I watch as the white wolf jumps on a Titan and rake its claws on its chest, making it cry out. Then the white wolf clamps its jaws on its neck and rips its head from its body. My eyes widen as it claws the Titan's the nape like it knew about the Titan's weakness.

It felt like this went on for hours as they killed Titan after Titan, but it lasted for a few minutes. When the Titans were gone, I see the black wolf staring right at us. We freeze in unison as it started to come toward us. Levi and Mikasa step out in front of us with their blades facing the wolves, but I could see them trembling softly. The white wolf steps to stand alongside the black wolf and growls something in the wolf's ear.

The white wolf walks away from us while the black wolf continues to stare at us for a few moments before following behind it. I said uncertainly, "They're...leaving?"

We look at each other and Mikasa says quietly, "Let's follow them. It seems that the Titans are afraid of them."

"What if they decided to eat us?" Armin inquires worriedly.

"Do you want to stay here and wait for the Titans to eat us first?" Levi retorts.

None of us said anything after that and started to trail after the wolves. I wonder curiously, staring at their backsides.

What are they?


"Why are they following us?" my sister, Miyako, growls irritated.

"We did save their lives", I stated glancing covertly behind us.

"So, what? That does not make us their guardians", she says vex, her tail flicking in irritation.

"Leave them be. Who knows how long they have been out here by themselves?" I said sympathetically.

She huffs annoyed and walks faster to get away from them. I shake my head, smiling softly, and peek at the humans who are following us. From the look of their clothes, it looks like they haven't been out here long, but they do look exhausted and pale. I wonder if they have eaten, I thought pensively.

I look ahead to see Miyako is gone and I stop, turning around to look at the humans to see her right behind them. I growl a warning at her, and the humans turn around to finally notice my sister right behind them. She ignores me and gets right up to them. One of the humans attack her with their blades but it broke against her like a toothpick. She says to them bored, "My, my, my, don't you humans know to show respect to the people who saved your asses?"

"Leave them alone Miyako", I sighed walking over to them.

"You're no fun, Juro", Miyako says grumbling.

"And you don't know when to stop", I growled.

The human's heads swiveled between us as we argued. Suddenly a petite, blonde human asks, "You can talk?"

"Isn't that a little obvious genius?" Miyako said sarcastically.

I growl angrily at her and lay down to be at their eye level. I said kindly, "We call it telepathy but yes we can talk like any of you humans."

"What are you?" a teal-eyed human asks us.

"We're werewolves, children of our Moon goddess", I said simply.

"How are you so big?" a particularly short man questions us.

"To survive in the time, we live in. In case you haven't noticed, we're surrounded by those freaks", Miyako said in a condescending tone.

I glare at her, but she pretends to have not noticed as she sniffs the humans. She inquires unexpectedly, "Which one of you is the Titan shifter by the way?"

I watch as the humans slowly inch closer to the teal-eyed boy. I tilt my head and ask him, "Is that you?"

I watch as they take out their blades to protect the teal-eyed boy. I said to them except the Titan shifter, "You might want to leave him behind. Titan shifters couldn't care less about the survival of humanity. He will kill you when he gets the chance."

"You don't know anything about Eren!" the woman yells furiously while the Titan shifter looks completely bewildered.

I narrow my eyes at her and Miyako asks, "Tell me something Titan shifter. Are you for humanity or against it?"

"W-What?" he says startled.

"It's an easy question. Do you want to help the humans end the Titan's reign forever or do you want to see them all of humanity die?" Miyako said wary, watching his every move.

The Titan Shifter looks down his hair shadowing his face and started trembling. Miyako and I pique up with interest as we could feel his bloodlust. It was just like ours. He says his voice gravely, "I want to kill all the Titans, every single one. They're going to pay for taking everything from us because we belong on the outside. It is our birthright..."

Everyone stays quiet when Miyako abruptly licks Eren face. He sputters confused and wipes his face to get rid of Miyako's saliva. She says teasing, "You taste good, did you know that? I'll remember that information if I find out you're lying to us."

They stare at her as she starts to walk off. She tells me, "I'll look out for Titans while you protect them."

I smirk and ask her letting the humans hear, "So we're going to help them get home?"

"Shut up", she said before disappearing into the vegetation.

I let out a wolfish chuckle and look at the humans. I said smiling, "It looks like you got our help to get you home."

They look at each other worriedly and I said soothingly, "Don't worry about us eating you. We're on a strict animals only diet."

I wink at them and the blondie couldn't help letting out a giggle. I motion to my back and said, "Hop on. We have a long way to go."


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