Ch. 16

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We walk through the streets with Juro and Miyako leading the way. Miyako told us that a small group is preferred in case we need to make a quick escape. I look at Miyako's tail where it's hidden from sight under the cloak. Juro and Miyako wore the hoods up to cover their ears. I wonder what would happen if I scratch her behind her ears, I thought curiously as my fingers twitched.

We follow them as they take us around in circles until as we were passing through a tunnel, Juro motion us to be quiet before disappearing into darkness. I narrow my eyes slightly before going the same way Juro did to find an opening hidden in plain view. Levi, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin followed closely behind as we go through the opening. I bump into something and I realize quickly that it was Miyako. Both stopped for some reason and I whisper, "What is it?"

They turn towards us with their eyes glowing a lovely pink and they pant softly as they seem to have trouble controlling themselves. Miyako answers strained, "It's nothing... Just the smell is making us..."

"Do you want to go back?" Levi questions watching them carefully.

"No. We can do this", Juro replies quickly as the pink glow disappear from their eyes. "Let's go."

They take off with an eagerness in their step and we glance at each other before following them. Softly as time went on, we heard loud moaning coming from the end of the tunnel as it slowly got lighter. As we reach the end, Miyako warns us, "Do not stop for any reason. Stay behind us."

We nod before we run through the opening behind them. I stop at the scene in front of me, including the others. Hundreds of people were having sex right out in the open. No shame clouded their expression, making them stop their actions. It was a perfect image of lust and savagery.

I noticed that all of them had wolf ears and tails, all kinds of variations in color. Juro and Miyako appear in our vision, eyes pink and their faces tense. Juro growls, "What are you doing? Run!"

Miyako stays in front of us as we follow her and Juro behind us to make sure we didn't stop again. Miyako stops and motions us to up a ladder to the roof of a building. We quickly do as they say, and we see Juro is already there, his eyes scanning the surroundings. I see more werewolves copulating and Eren says in shock, "This is mating season?"

"Once you find your mate, there's almost nothing to stop you from taking them right then and there", Juro says voice hoarse as his pink eyes roam over Armin's body.

Mikasa and Eren make sure to act as a buffer between them, but at Juro's words, they tighten their position next to Armin and Juro. I look over at Miyako to see her staring at me with the same kind of hunger as Juro and I bring her over to me.

"I realize now that I'm your mate but control yourself and your brother and I'll give you a present when we get out of here", I whispered in her ear lowly so only she could hear.

She whines impatiently, pressing our bodies together. "No thanks. I prefer to have you right now."

"Miyako", I said suddenly feeling aroused as I smelled something sweet yet with the underling of pine trees.

We kiss each other heatedly until someone pries us apart. Levi whispers fiercely, "Not here. Do you want Alpha Black to catch us, Miyako?"

That snapped her out of her lust-crazed daze and her pink eyes disappear, including Juro's as his eyes turn back to normal. Miyako said to me only, "I'm sorry for using my scent against you."

"What are you talking about?" I inquire bewildered.

"I made you smell my pheromones to make you more...willing", she says hesitantly, looking away.

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