Ch. 10 (PG-13)

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After we leave Erwin's office, I said to Miyako, "We're going to have to be careful."

"Especially with Reiner and Bertolt watching us", she growls. "I don't think they believed us when we were in the stables."

"Catherine", we hear someone call out.

We turn around to see Erwin standing in the doorway. He orders, "Come back and rearrange my documents in their right place."

I bit my tongue to keep from laughing while Miyako smirks proudly. She says playfully, "Yes sir, Captain Eyebrows."

As she skips over to him, she says telepathically, "Talk to Armin. You need to know how he feels."

I become somber as I see Miyako disappears into Erwin's office behind Erwin. I think back to what Armin said in the office and our kiss from before, which wasn't really a kiss but more of a peck. I'm so stupid, I thought groaning. I shake my head to clear it. First, I must find Armin.

I head straight to the library, Armin's favorite spot. I walk in to see Armin in deep conversation with Eren and Mikasa. I clear my throat to make my presence known. Their heads snap to look at me and I fight against the urge to run at Mikasa's hot glare. I ask calmly, "Can I speak to Armin alone?"

"He doesn't want to talk to you", Mikasa says coldly.

"I want to hear that from him", I said firmly.

Eren starts to open his mouth when Armin intervenes, "It's okay. Go, I'll be fine."

They nod at Armin and look at me before Eren says stiffly, "Fine. Find us after you're done."

Eren and Mikasa start to leave but not before glaring at me, reminding me of Miyako's. Once the door closes and I'm sure they're nowhere around, I turn to Armin where an uncomfortable silence fills the air. I thought dreadfully, What the hell do I say? Should I just tell him that Juro and I are the same person? What if he's in love with me as a wolf than as a human?

I continue panicking inside my head when Armin speaks up, "Um, Alex?"

"Yes", I replied immediately snapping out of my thoughts.

"Why did you..." Armin trails off, blushing softly. "Kiss me?"

"It was an accident", I said sighing.

Armin suddenly looks crestfallen and I quickly reamended, "Not that I regret kissing you. It just happened. I mean, I've been wanting to kiss you since I first laid my eyes on you, but I wasn't sure if you felt the same way, so I didn't want to scare you. Then I see how you talk about this Juro-"

"There's nothing going on between Juro and me", he interrupts quietly.

"You have feelings for him, right?" I ask anguished.

"", Armin says looking conflicted.

I look down and thought sorrowfully, I knew it.

"But", he says quieter than a mouse.

"What?" I ask, my hopes rising.

I slowly walk over to him and he backs away until he hits a table and I cage him by putting my arms around him. I say softly, "Tell me, Armin. Please."

I see Armin struggle internally by the storm of emotions projecting themselves in his eyes. I slowly raise my hand to tilt his head up to look at me. His eyes widen as he looks between me and my lips. I let out a ghost of a whisper, "Armin..."

I lean down, our noses touching, our breaths mingling with each other. I breathe in his scent and growl in my chest in contentment. I look down at Armin as he stares up at me. I close the distance between us and kiss him softly. Sparks fly between us as I kiss him more passionately.

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