Ch. 14

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I gasp, shooting upward but stop halfway as pain erupted throughout my body. I hear a voice say shocked, "Holy shit, lie back down."

Someone touches me, and I cry out in pain. A person apologizes quickly, "I'm sorry."

"Armin?" I mumbled weakly.

"I'm here", he replies worriedly.

"What happened?" I groan, straining to open my eyes.

"You almost got killed by Reiner", Erwin's voice answers.

"That's all?" I moaned anguished, attempting to joke.

"How are you still alive? Your entire body is broken into a million pieces", Hanji's voice says excitedly.

Something snaps back into place and I shout as the pain flares up. Mikasa says sighing, "She's healing."

"Barely", Levi said concerned etched in his voice.

"Where's Juro and Eren?"

They stay silent and I notice I couldn't sense Juro's warmth or Eren's Titan-like smell. I'm finally able to open my eyes and wince at the sunlight invading them. They slowly readjust to see all of them except for Eren and Juro. I growl wheezing, "They're fighting Reiner and Bertolt, aren't they?"

Their expressions told me everything and I try to sit up again despite my body's protests. I hiss in pain, "I have to help them."

I suddenly fall back on a hard chest, breathing heavily to regain my strength. Erwin protests, "You can't fight like this."

"Watch me", I snarl stubbornly.

"Is there any way we can help to make you heal faster?" Hanji asks curiously.

I narrow my eyes at her and growl, "No. There isn't any herb or meat to help me heal faster. You need a-"

I froze as realization hits me. You need your mate, I thought focusing on Erwin's toned body.

"Miyako?" Armin calls worriedly.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this in front of you", I grumbled.

"Do what?" Erwin asks wary.

I grab Erwin by his shirt and pull his lips down to meet mine. Warmth explodes throughout my body and I move my lips quickly against Erwin's, moaning slightly of pain and pleasure. Erwin matches my pace and moves me onto his lap. A series of cracks are heard as my bones mend back together. Erwin pulls away worriedly but I kiss his lips before he could stop me.

I wrap my arms around him and he swipes at my bottom lip for entrance. I don't allow him in until he bites my lip. I gasp in surprise and he slips his tongue inside. My wolf growls sensually as my body heals quickly. I kiss him more primally until I regain my senses and reluctantly pull away.

"Now that was some kiss", I joked breathlessly.

I move myself off Erwin's lap and stand up, stretching out my newly healed body. I look towards them with glowing yellow eyes.

"Tell me, where are they?"


"Eren!" I shouted telepathically.

Reiner has him against a tree as Eren holds his arms up protecting himself as Reiner punches him relentlessly. I get slapped in the face and I back away, looking up at Bertolt, snarling. We're too unevenly matched. We need...

I release a whine involuntarily, remembering my lost sister. Fury burns through my body once more as I remember who were the ones that killed her. Eren gets thrown and he skids to a stop next to me. Reiner says struggling, "Give...up."

"Fuck you", I snarl.

"", Bertolt promises.

I go to make a remark when I hear a familiar howl fill the air. In the distance, my heart stops as I see a white wolf runs towards us. I say elated, "Miyako!"

"You didn't think that you'll get rid of me that easily, did you?" she chuckles, standing beside me.

Eren pats her head lightly and she lick his hand. Miyako grunts looking up at Bertolt, "I didn't expect him to be that tall."

I laugh, and she says becoming serious, "You get to deal with Bertolt. Eren and I deal with Reiner."

"Why do I get the Colossal Titan?" I grumbled.

"Because you're probably the only one out of both of us who can even match his height", she states.

"True", I growled getting ready to shifter into a Colossal Wolf.

We face off Reiner and Bertolt before Miyako and Eren charge forward. I close my eyes and focus as I feel my bones reshape themselves to grow bigger. I open my eyes to see I'm grew to be 40 meters, somewhere around his abdomen. Bertolt gets in a defensive position and I grin toothily at him. That won't help to protect you, I thought snarling murderously.

I lunge toward him and sink my teeth into his shoulder, tearing it off and quickly getting away before he could get his hands on me. That's all I do to keep Bertolt from landing a hit on me. Bite and run. Bite and run. Bite and run.

There was another reason why I did this. The smoke coming from the wounds also obscured his vision. I dash to stand behind him and I jump on his back rearing to bite down on his nape when his hand comes out of nowhere and grabs me by the throat. He throws me over his shoulder and I twist in his grip to land on all fours. I sink my fangs into Bertolt's arm and tear it off.

Bertolt let's out a low roar and tries to grab me, but I slip in between his arms and slash his face. I run around to confuse Bertolt as he starts swiping his arms to try to grab me. I jump on his back, digging my claws into his flesh and sink my teeth into the nape of his neck, and rip it off. Bertolt goes slack beneath me and slowly tumbles down to the ground. I spat out his flesh from my mouth and stood proudly over his body.


Miyako launches herself at Reiner, clawing at his face and chest. I go around and land punches to his sides. She pushes herself off him and slashes the back of his ankles while I go for the nape. But Reiner backhands me and uses his other hand to punch me in the face, bringing me down on my knees. Miyako grabs his arm with her teeth and I use the opening to uppercut Reiner in his abdomen.

She rips off his arm and does a flip off his chest, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground. With a roar, I bring down my foot down on his neck, but Reiner catches it before it could get too close. He slowly crunches my foot in his hands, making me screech in pain, and Miyako comes with the speed of a snake and snaps her jaws down on his neck. Reiner lets me go and struggles to get Miyako off him. Miyako growls in my head, "Ready?"

I nod steadily, ready to end this. Miyako jerks her head up along with Reiner and tears off the front part of his neck. I attack, wrapping my hand around Reiner's neck and rip it off. Reiner stills before falling over between us. Juro, Miyako and I exchange glances before they let out a long victorious howl and I roar along with them. This fight brings us one step closer to freeing us from that cage, I thought exhilarated.

We all shift back to normal and everyone comes running over. Hanji screams beyond what I thought was possible, "That was awesome!"

"Thanks", Juro says breathlessly.

Then we all fall to the ground exhausted and the last thing I heard was Levi chuckles, "The brats pushed themselves too hard."


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