Ch. 17

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"Scent glands?" Hanji inquires hungrily.

"They give out pheromones that mates are able to detect. That's how mates find each other during mating season. It also serves as sort of a turn on between mates when it's touched by the other, in or out of mating season. Though even if a wolf doesn't find their mate, they could choose to wait for their destined mate or just use someone to satisfy their needs until the end of mating season", Miyako asks panting slightly.

We're trying to cool off in a lake while Hanji peppers us with questions. Hanji told us were as hot as when Eren uses his Titan abilities to create Titan flesh. I don't know exactly how hot that is, but the water is boiling around us, like a hot spring. We try to answer Hanji questions to the best of our abilities, but our minds are waning. All I can think about is Armin. His soft skin, his lips, the shape of his ass, and-

"Juro!" Miyako shouts at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look around in a daze to see Hanji covering her nose with a mask, but otherwise enthusiastically writing down observations. I grumbled, "Sorry..."

Miyako sighs tiredly and Hanji asks muffled, "How come you're not affected by Juro's scent?"

"It's something siblings form when growing up. It's our bond. We don't feel any sexual attraction to another. It stops us from mating with each other and from causing weird problems later in our future", Miyako answers sinking deeper to the water.

"What about the wolves Levi told me in his letter? The ones who were mating right out in the open", Hanji questions.

"About 25% of those wolves were actually mates", I answered before chuckling. "You underestimate how lust-crazed werewolves are during mating season."

"You two seem fine", Hanji states.

Miyako and I smirk at each other before I explain, "It's because our mates are far away from us and no other pheromones are around to make us aroused."

"And your scent makes me want to dig my head into the dirt", Miyako says smiling innocently.

"What would happen if Erwin and Armin were here?" Hanji inquires, watching us closely.

At the mention of their names, our expressions got dark and sexual thoughts filled my head of the things I could do to Armin if he was here. Suddenly we're splashed in the face and Miyako and I growl in unison at Hanji. She holds up her hands up in surrender with a small bucket at her feet.

"You two realize I'm not able to handle your pheromones before losing my head", Hanji says defensively. "Wait, why am I affected by your pheromones?"

"Even if you're not a werewolf, you can still smell our scent. The effects are just duller in a sense", Miyako says shaking her head of her thoughts.

"Your pheromones are something to be reckon with", Hanji said impressed.

We grunt in agreement and lay back in the water. I look up at the clear blue sky and sigh, thinking of Armin. What is he doing right now?

"One more question but this is purely for my entertainment. Is there doms and subs in mating relationships?" Hanji asks giggling.

"No comment", Miyako says blushing, going deeper into the water.

"Yes, Miyako is just a little embarrassed because she's a submissive", I chuckled. "I'm dominant."

"Poor little Armin", Hanji giggles enjoying this.

The girls laugh while I blush brightly. "Shut up."

"Why did your bodies' assets become bigger?" Hanji asks with a crazed light coming off her glasses.

"It's a growth spurt before we turn 18", Miyako states.

"It's to help please our mates and make them feel more attracted to us while we mate", I said going deep into the water myself.

Hanji cautiously touch our foreheads and says relieved, "Your temperatures is going down. I can touch you now."

"Hooray..." Miyako says weakly.

"I think we need to sleep it off before we're 100 percent better", I said sleepily.

"I'll keep watch", Hanji says reassuringly. "Good night."

"Good night..."


1 week later...

"Today you're going to punch stuff!" Hanji exclaims proudly.

"You're going to make us hit rocks?" Juro said skeptically.

"Yes, it seems the effects of Mating Season are lessening bit by bit as it comes to an end. You should be able to handle this", Hanji states practically bouncing on her feet.

"You just want a chance to test out our abilities, right?" Juro says knowingly.

"Yup", she says selflessly.

"Are you on the list of things we'll be hitting?" I growl annoyed.

"No, silly!" Hanji says, bopping me on the nose.

I growl angrily, taking a step forward, but Juro puts his hand on my shoulder to hold me back. I grunt and lean back against the boulder we're on. Hanji is right about one thing though. Juro and I have got a handle on our hormones. I still have Erwin on my mind, but I can manage not conjuring him up in a sex scene where he's- Okay, stop Miyako.

Hanji made a make-shift punching bag, but there was one little thing. It was made entirely of rock or more specifically of the boulder we're sitting on. Hanji adds happily, "I'm also going to test your speed and strength."

"Miyako is the fastest."

"Juro is the strongest."

We said at the same time in a matter-of-factly voice. Hanji retorts, "But do you know how fast you are or how strong you are?"

We stay silent since the only comparison we have is each other and not in numerical sense. I study the thick slab of rock hanging loosely by a vine we'd found in the trees. I ask getting excited, "Can I go first?"

"But first, let me tell you what I'm going to do", Hanji says before clearing her throat. "I'm going to time you to see how long it takes you to break the rock, so hit it as fast and as hard as you can, okie dokey?"

"Can I punch it now?" I growl irritated, waiting to release frustration.

Hanji takes out a watch and holds up her index finger, telling me to wait, then...


I let loose a flurry of quick jabs going faster with each punch. I can feel the tension leave my body as I breathe easily through my nose. For once, in days, I was in control of my body, not some stupid hormones.

I barely heard Hanji as she yells, "Stop!"

With one last punch, the rock breaks into a thousand pieces. I release a sigh of relief as Hanji walks over amazed, "That was incredible, Miyako. That took you 10 seconds. You could kill people with that punch."

"Do you want to see how first-hand?" I said darkly.

Someone slaps the back of my head lightly. Juro growls, "Be nice."

"Juro, it's your turn", Hanji calls unperturbed.

"This should be quick", I chuckled.

Juro walks up to the second rock punching bag and Hanji gets her watch ready. She shouts, "Go!"

One punch was all it took for the rock to crumble into pieces. Hanji stood dumbstruck as I joked, "Now that's a punch that can kill people."

Juro rubs his knuckles and he murmur, "I need to start training again."

"I know what you mean", I agreed, looking at my leftover blood from my healed wounds on my knuckles.

"You two are spectacular!" Hanji screams, snapping out her daze.

We laugh, and I look over at the gray blip in the distance and become somber.



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