Ch. 6

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"Everyone, our goal is the same when we venture outside the walls. Do not let our new arrivals distract you nor should you help them in anything they ask. This is a test for them and you cannot intervene", Commander Erwin said to the Survey Corps as we prepare to leave.

"Eyebrows sure is one of the good ones", Miyako mutters bitter.

"Well if you had to babysit two inexperienced cadets, wouldn't you be the same?" I argued while I agreed with her in my head.

"Right, inexperienced." She scoffs before saying sarcastically, "So I shouldn't tell them that I've been living and fighting Titans since the moment I was born, even slept right next to them?"

I give her a half-hearted glare and she grunts in contempt. I watch as everyone gets ready, but my eyes keep drifting over to a certain blonde and I see him staring at me in return. "What if he knows?" a small voice whispers in my ear.

I shake my head. No, he can't, I thought doubting myself. I mean he doesn't know what I even look like as a human, only as a wolf, but still... Why can't I keep my eyes off him and vice versa? Then Levi walks up, looking even shorter than he did when we were towering over him in our Titan Wolf form... I decide to name it that way because I like the word Titan.

Miyako asks bored, "Are we leaving now, Corporal Shorty?"

"If you are to join the Survey Corps, you must obey your superiors", Levi says intimidatingly in a stiff voice.

"Easy Miyako. I got a feeling he'll lose no sleep over killing someone like you", I warned biting back a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah", she said dismissively before stretching her body, drawing the attention of the males in near proximity.

I send a warning glare at them and they all look away, scurrying quickly in their work. I ask Levi, "Where do you want us to go?"

"We're putting you in the middle of formation. We can't afford of harm coming to the family of Lord Marcel", Levi answered, making me grit my teeth.

We're NOT family, I screamed inside my head. I nodded strained as Miyako got a dark look in her eyes. I said in a guttural voice, "Lead the way."

He watches us with a suspicious stare before leading up to where we'll be positioned. Then we left toward one of the gates of the Walls, walking through town, many of the humans watching us with disdain, hope, and excitement. Who knew the Survey Corps were hated so much, I thought frowning. These humans should be grateful it's not them they're sending to their deaths. I knew Miyako felt the same way as she glared at anyone who looked at us funny.

We stop at the gate and I feel the primal urge to run through the doors rush through me to taste the freedom of running through the openness. Miyako and I started shaking violently and the soldiers look at us with distaste thinking it is fear, but it's not. We're so close to being on the outside that we can't stand waiting another second. We've been cooped up inside these walls-no cage for too long. We need to run. We need to burn off these emotions before we shift right here and now.

Then the gates open and a wave a harsh wind blows against us making us go rigid as we smell old familiar scents. We start to move forward but we barely register it until someone slaps my horse's behind and we go forward too fast that I must grab my reins to stay on the saddle. The horses started galloping and I was confused for a second why until I saw them. My bloodlust bursts like a dam and I suddenly see humans sacrifice themselves as we go through. NO, I roared in unison with my wolf.

Before anyone could stop me, I shot forward with my 3DMG toward a Titan and sliced his nape deeply. I feel another one behind me, but I quickly went on to the next Titan as I felt my sister kill it quickly. This went on until we've basically killed every Titan in the area around us, and we land on a wagon containing supplies, facing away from everyone, as to not get left behind. I hear someone yell at us, "You idiots!"

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