Ch. 15

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I groan softly as my body felt like lead. I call out slowly, waking myself up, "Juro?"

"Five more minutes", Juro grumbles sleepily.

I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I look around to see we're in the infirmary where I see a big bump under the covers in the bed in front of mine. I grin before deadpanning, "Armin is coming."

Juro jumps out of bed, but he gets tangled in his blankets and falls with a thud. I snicker under my breath, trying to stop myself from laughing, and Juro looks at me with a glare on his face. We heard yelling coming from down the hall and we look at each other with confused expressions before getting out of bed and go see what's going on. We walk into the Dining Hall where we see a dispute happening between Erwin and a comrade of ours.

"How could you have kept this from us? We have a right to know if we're fighting alongside monsters!" the soldier shouts.

"Alex and Catherine are not monsters. They are here to help us win against the Titans", Erwin refutes calmly.

"Ever think they might be tricking you? They could be planning to murder us in our sleep!" he says outraged.

"No thanks. I like my beauty sleep", I said announcing our presence.

Everyone turns to look at us and Juro offers, "I'll answer any question you want to ask. Just say it."

The opposing side was quiet, shifting from foot to foot while mumbling quietly to each other. Their elected leader asks us, "Who are you?"

"I'm Juro and this is my sister Miyako", Juro answers.

"Why are you here?"

"There's one of our kind, an Alpha, who forced us to do his bidding. He wanted us to find the Titan shifters, Reiner and Bertolt, and kill them."

"What does this Alpha want?"

"To end humanity as we know it."

"What are you?"

"Werewolves. Half human and half wolf."

"How are you able to...grow so big?"

"Not all werewolves can do that, just to clarify things. We believe it's because we used to eat Titans when food was scarce. Our bodies must've changed due to their genetic makeup."

"Are you going to kill us?"

"No, we're going to help you kill the Titans and stop the Alpha."

"Who is this Alpha?"

"His name is Marcel Black. Some of you might know his name since he's a high-class official. Alpha Black has worked hard to make sure no human lives after his attack."

"How are you going to stop him?"

"We don't know yet, but all we know is that we're going to need everyone's help to do it."

"How are we going to help you?"

"If you'd let us, we can help teach you how to defend yourselves when fighting our kind."

"Can you die?"

"Yes, but we'll keep that information to ourselves in case you decide to kill us in our sleep", I tease smirking.

They stay quiet and Juro adds, "We'll tell Levi in private how to kill us if that'll make you feel better. We all know he'll do what needs to be done when the time comes."

Some of the tension leaves their shoulders and the leader of the group walks up to us. He says shakily, "L-Let us see it."

Juro and I look over at Erwin and he nods. First Juro and I shift into our in-between form and wait a few moments to let the humans take in our appearance before shifting into wolves. We stand not moving and, in my surprise, the leader slowly reaches out his hand and pets my head. I let him, even though I didn't like anyone petting me. The others were the exception, but I wasn't sure if I could trust the man in front of me.

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