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It was supposed to be simple. We've done the same routine every time we went outside the walls, but this time was different. We didn't expect to be ambushed by a whole hoard of Titans. Many died before we were able to get our bearings and we were making our way back to the walls as quick as we can. I see a Titan reaching for my best friend, Armin, and I deploy my 3DMG's grapple hooks onto the Titan's skin. I let out a war cry as I slash the Titan's nape deeply with my blades.

I roughly land back on my horse when I hear Mikasa scream, "Eren!"

I look at her too late as I feel like I was being slapped and the feeling weightlessness before crashing into the ground. I laid there motionless for a moment as pain ransacked my body. The darkness behind my eyelids become darker, making me slowly open my eyes against the pain and I see the Titan's smile looming over me. My eyes widen but before I could do anything, its head jerks back and I feel someone grab onto my shirt and lift me up onto their horse. I see Levi glaring at me angrily as he yells, "Don't get yourself killed, stupid brat!"

I smile at him apologetically and with gratitude. I see Mikasa and Armin ride up next to us and they both look over my body apprehensively. I shake my head to try to dissuade their worries as I look back at the Survey Corps to see that we've fallen behind. Armin yells, fists tightly holding onto the reins, "We need to catch up before they leave us!"

I hear Levi click his tongue and I knew deep inside that we'll never catch up with them, and that they'll never hold the gates open long enough for us to go through. Then the worst thing could've happened, a Titan, an abnormal, catches sight of us and starts running toward us. I grip onto Levi tighter as we both knew we couldn't go past it without drawing the attention of another Titan. Levi orders vex, "Into the trees!"

We change course into the forest of enormous trees, and I take one last glance at the walls, wondering if I'll live to see it again. I hear the thunderous footsteps of another Titan come towards us and I see it's right ahead of us. I send a meaningful look at Levi and he shakes his head. He says warning me, "You could end up bringing more Titans to our location."

"But our gas tank is less than halfway full! We won't survive long if we use it!" I growl fiercely.

"Eren, we'll run and use the horses as long as we can to escape the Titans, but we can't afford to have more Titans chasing after us", Armin yells trying to reason with me.

That's what we do run like our lives depended on it and they did, but it seems the Titans knew that we were here as more and more started to come after us. We left behind the horses as they grew tired and breathless. We hid behind a tree and furtively watch a Titan that is closing in on us. It's disgusting how human these things are. They're humanoid creatures that can grow to be 15 meters tall even taller and their facial features are exaggerated.

A large hot burst of wind blows against us and we slowly turn around to see a Titan no less than a few inches away from us. I bring my hand up to my mouth and bite down hard. I turn into a Titan and punch the monster in the face. It roars and launches itself at me. I grab his head and slam it against my knee, hearing a satisfying crack. It falls to the ground and I slam my foot down on its nape of its neck.

I feel another Titan behind me but before I could do anything, I see Mikasa kill it swiftly. I feel the them use their 3DMG to latch onto me to stand on my shoulders. Levi growls angrily, "Get us out of here, brat."

I start running, not toward the walls but deeper into the forest. It was alarmingly placid. No Titans. Nothing. I hear Armin ask softly, barely above the wind, "Where did they go?"

I look around skeptically for any signs of them, my eyes shifting around. Suddenly something crashes into me and I crash into the forest floor. I hear the 3DMG as Levi, Mikasa, and Armin were able to escape into the treetops. I turn to see a Titan of 10 meters tall and quickly go to punch that stupid smile out of its face when I feel something stop me. I look to see another Titan biting into my arm.


Then I see a whole horde of Titans rushing towards me, making my eyes widen with terror. I hear Armin scream, "Get out of there!"

I struggle against the bonds of flesh clenching on me as I start to leave my Titan body. I breathe wonderfully open air when I'm jerked into the air and I look back to see Levi holding me as we land on a tree branch away from the Titans' reach. I breathe heavily leaning against the tree truck as Mikasa and Armin come over to our branch. Armin runs over to me and asks fearfully, "Eren, are you okay?"

I nod and ask incredulously, "Did they ambush me?"

"They know that you're here", Levi says coldly as he watches the Titans rip my Titan body apart.

"How are we going to survive long enough to get to the walls?" Mikasa asks blankly.

"We need to find a safe place and we'll need food and water", Armin says bleakly.

"Is anything safe out here?" I ask frustrated.

"We're going to have to try. Humanity needs you to help fight against the Titans", Levi states clicking his tongue.

"What if we die out here?" Armin asks terrified.

I look at him and said determined, "We are going to live. I'll die before dying at the hands of a Titan."

They look at me and Armin expression changed from panicked to resolve. Levi says blankly, "Well, what are we waiting for?"


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