Joe's birthday

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Narrator's POV

Nick decided to take Joe to the fair. When they both arrived there, Joe desperately wanted to go on a rollercoaster. Nick agreed and they both got on.

Nick's POV

Once the rollercoaster started, Joe was screaming when the rollercoaster went down the track. I put an arm around him and kissed him. He kissed back but pulled away to scream. I rolled my eyes.

Once we got off the rollercoaster, I led him to a stall where you throw these balls to knock these bottles over and if you knocked them over, you win something. I played the game and I won a little teddy bear. I smiled.

Joe's POV

Nick won a little teddy bear. It was so cute.

"Here" Nick smiled and gave it to me.

"Thanks" I smiled and admired the little bear that was now in my hands. I kissed him. On the lips. He kissed back.

I smiled into the kiss and I was in Cloud 9 until some rude person cleared their throat. Like, excuse me? We were having a moment here.

We pulled away to look at the rude person, not expecting to see my friends, Zac, Amber and Kevin there.

Amber and Zac just looked shocked.

But Kevin, Kevin looked so angry.

"You stupid idiot! I told you to stay away from Joe!" Kevin shouted.

This made my blood boil. Don't call my boyfriend an idiot. Well, he isn't my boyfriend but ya know.

"You're only using him! You already got him in bed with you and you told him that you wanted nothing to do with him in the morning" Kevin said angrily.

"Kevin stop!" Amber whispered as she grabbed Kevin's arm.

Kevin yanked his arm out of her grip and before I could react, he was punching Nick square in the face.

"Don't touch my boyfriend!!!!" I said loudly.

Nick looked up and me confused. Kevin growled.

"Kevin just leave them!" Amber and Zac were ushering Kevin away. Not until I received a hug from Amber. It felt nice, comforting.

"Me and Zac are on your side" she whispered in my ear "Just, please, be careful" she pulled away and kissed my cheek and she ran back towards Zac and Kevin.

I sighed and turned to Nick.

"Boyfriend?" Nick smirked

I blushed embarrassed.

"I'm sorry... if you didn't like it....-" I stuttered.

"I like it" he cut me off.

I smiled.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Nick asked.

I nodded and we confirmed it all with a kiss.

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