I snapped at you

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Joe's POV

Nick took me to his house in his car. He put a protective arm around me as he helped me into his house. I sat down on the couch awkwardly. I feel really awkward when I'm in other people's house.

Nick went into the kitchen to start dinner.

Narrator's POV

Joe curled up into a ball and started sobbing, crying his poor little heart out. His only 15 and his parents basically disowned him for being in love with a man, not only that, they kicked him out. It broke his heart... there is only so much heartbreak a 15 year old can take.

He was too much in his own thoughts that he didn't hear Nick come in.

"Baby boy...." Nick whispered and pulled Joe into his lap.

Joe cuddled up to Nick's chest and sobbed, not bothering to stop. Nick stroked Joe's back and whispered sweet things into his ear, trying to calm him down.

Dinner time

Joe and Nick were eating their dinner, chicken nuggets and fries. Nick cleared his throat "uhm... i'm sorry it's not much"

Joe smiled softly "it's okay. Are they homemade chicken nuggets?" Joe asked quietly.

Nick nodded.

"They're delicious" Joe said.

Once they finished with dinner, Nick put the dishes in the dishwasher and they both watched tv.

Nick noticed Joe has been quiet so he decided to confronted him.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Nick asked him.

"Of course I am! I've just been kicked out of my home because I'm gay. ABut no! I'm happy! Look at me! I'm shitting rainbows" Joe snapped at him.

Nick felt hurt. He felt the tears build up in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. Joe was just upset.

"Let's go to bed" Nick said

Joe nodded and they both headed to bed.

Joe's POV

Nick was silent ever since I snapped at him. I hurt my boyfriend. I immediately felt bad.

I sat on his bed watching Nick as he fell asleep. Does he actually love me? I thought to myself. I thought my parents loved me until the kicked me out when they found out I was gay, what if he left me? I hurt him, what if he doesn't love me anymore? I hate myself. I'm unloveable. I got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I deserve to be in pain, I need to be in pain.

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