My prince

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Narrator's POV

Joe woke up and checked the time. It was 7:53pm. Joe sighed, he's been asleep for 4 hours! Just then the phone rung.

Joe sighed and picked the phone up.

"Hello?" Joe answered

"Hey Joe! Is my son there?" Nick's mom said.

(Authors note: Nick's mom already knows about Joe and Nick's relationship and is okay with it)

"Uhmm no. He's asleep" Joe replied.

"Oh. Okay. When he wakes up, tell him that I said Happy Birthday" She said

Joe froze.

"Uh sure. Bye" Joe hung up.

It's Nick's birthday today? Joe immediately felt like crap. He started tearing up, what's wrong with him? After all Nick's done for him and he forgets his birthday? He wiped his eyes and rubbed his belly.

He felt the couch dip beside him

"Babe... what's wrong?" He asked confused.

"Nick!!!!" Joe yelped.

"Oh God Nick! I'm so sorry!!!!! Happy Birthday baby! My beautiful beautiful baby! I-" Joe was cut off by Nick's lips, Joe moved his lips against Nick's. Nick wrapped his arms around Joe's torso and Joe threw his arms around Nick's neck, Nick moaned into the kiss and they both seperated.

"Baby, I guess I was a little upset but it's okay now" Nick whispered

"But I didn't even get you a present" Joe said sadly.

"I already have everything I need" Nick said

Joe smiled

"My Prince"

"My angel" Nick kissed Joe's cheek.

Sorry that this chapter is proper crap. I usually can write better than this but a lot of things are going on in my life recently so I promise the next chapters will be better :/

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