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Joe's POV

I saw a silver blade I picked it up... I deserve to be in pain. A tear slipped. I hurt my boyfriend, my parents hate me.

I pressed the blade into the skin of my wrist but I pulled the blade away. Stupid Joe! Stop being a wimp and cut deeper! You deserve it!

I looked down at my wrist, a few spots of blood were coming out of the cut.

I closed my eyes and sighed, preparing myself for this. I opened my eyes and pressed the blade onto the wrist of my skin HARD. I kept going, not bothering to stop.

Now blood was pouring out, it hurt like a bitch! A tear slipped, I deserve it.

I still kept going, wanting more blood to come out. I started feeling dizzy but I didn't care. I hurt Nick. My mom and hates me.

The amount of blood coming out of my wrist was unbelievable.

A few minutes later, I collapsed onto the bathroom floor. Letting the world fade away.

Nick's POV

I was asleep until I heard a thud. I groaned and then woke up. I looked to the side of me.

"Joe?" He wasn't there.

"JOE????" I shouted, getting worried.

I stood up and truded my way to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Joey baby? Are you in there?" I asked.

No answer.

I tried to open the door put it was locked.

I got a key that can open the bathroom door and I opened it.

"Hey Joe...." I paused and my jaw dropped.

"JOE!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!" I screamed, falling to my knees.

I cradled his body in my arms.

"Joey... baby... please" I felt the tears falling. Blood was everywhere.

I held his hand until I felt something metal in his hand. I picked it up. A razor blade? The tears were coming down as I looked at his wrist.

"Baby..." I whispered, stopping the blood coming out of his cut.

He was breathing and he had a slight pulse so I knew he's alive.

I called 911 and explained everything. Once I hung up, I started sobbing. My beautiful, beautiful boyfriend.

Once the the ambulance came, they fortunately, let me go with him because i'm his boyfriend. I got in the back and gripped his hand as the ambulance drove to the hospital.

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