Author's notes.

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(08/11/2015: I'm editing the old oneshots, but I'm leaving the ones that I'm particularly proud of)

Author's notes before I begin:

[F/n]= First name, [L/n]= Last name, [e/c]= Eye colour , [h/c]= Hair colour. Etc.

Just a quick note. If some of you have read my stories before, you might have noticed that I spell some words differently because I'm not from the USA. For example; grey, colour, neighbour, surprise, etc. So sorry if I do type some words differently. I can assure you that it's out of habit only from the way I spell at school, but if it bothers you, I can change it. Okay, bye y'all! (Sorry for the inconvienience to anyone in the near future, but I don't think I'd be able to write yaoi... Sorry... I could experiment, but I don't think it would turn out too good...)

These oneshots can vary from fluffy oneshots or platonic oneshots. There'll be AU beside them if necessary. If you want I can make a request.

I had a few ideas mysel (in no particular order):

1. Levi x Bullied Reader

2. Reader x Sick Levi

3. (This was something I got from my sister's programme where they teach sign language to people). But Levi x Deaf Reader ( due to titan blood or something like that) , but I thought about it and said no, because I could get my facts severly wrong and I could get spammed because of that with insults and whatnot. Not only that, I could offend some people too because I wouldn't know how to describe it.

4. Conductor Levi x Musician Reader

Alright, please let me know if I should do any of them...

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