Mavis Vermillion メイビス・ヴァーミリオン

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Name: Mavis Vermillion

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Name: Mavis Vermillion

Kanji: メイビス・ヴァーミリオン

Alias: Fairy Tactician

Guild Mark Location: None

Guild Mark Colour: None

*Mavis was the first guild Master so she doesn't have a guild mark herself*

Relative: August (Son) / Makarov (Godson)

Mavis has very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a small; large green eyes with no pupils; peachy skin and a slight child-like build. As a consequence of using an incomplete version of a grand Magic when she was thirteen to save , her body was no longer able to grow or mature from that point onwards.

Mavis is kind and protective of Fairy Tail. She cares, guides and protects the guild whenever it's possible. She seems to be quite cheerful as she's smiling and happy most of the time. Mavis can also be quite carefree and reckless, and this side of her is shown when she allowed to participate in the as a part of , as long as it improved their chances of winning, despite the fact that if anyone found out about the ex-member of the and escaped convict, it could be disastrous to the guild.

Magic: Illusion Magic / Black Arts


1. "Comrades isn't simply a word. Comrades are about heart. It's the unconditional trust in your partners. Please, feel free to lean on me... and I, too, will lean on you as well. There will be painful times... sad times... I'll be with you through thick and thin... You are never alone... The hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars twinkling in the night sky, the rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what's to come tomorrow. Now, let us take a stroll... to the melody from the song of the fairies..." - Mavis' old saying

2. "If that's the case, then you have nothing to be afraid of. Mistakes are not shackles that stops a person's progress. They are the fuel that raises the heart. Now... go forth, I lend thee the Fairy Glitter" - for Cana Alberona

3. "Everything begins in the deep abyss of Magic. A Magic that unites it all, love. Love can cause miracles. And the love between the two that have been living with the curse have brought the highest level of contradiction. The more one loves, the more one will take away from another. This curse has taken my life from me, even if I was supposed to be immortal" - for herself

 This curse has taken my life from me, even if I was supposed to be immortal" - for herself

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Personal Opinion on Mavis:

Mavis is really cute, innocent and I find her cutely naive. Just by her outfit, she is already looking cute, especially by her wing-like hair band. Funny occasions that despite her being a ghost, or a projection, she still needed the toilet which shock the Fairy Tail members during the Grand Magic Games XD. But do not be fooled by Mavis' cute and innocent self, she can be quite smart as proved in Fairy Tail Zero after playing a game against Yuri Dreyar, Makarov's father.

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