Eve Tearm イヴ・ティルム

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Name: Eve Tearm

Kanji: イヴ・ティルム

Alias: Holy Night 

Guild Mark Location: Left Arm

Guild Mark Colour: Blue

Relative: None

Eve was initially portrayed as a slim, rather short boy with blonde hair kept in a neat bowl cut, with a few wayward strands covering his forehead, and others jutting upwards on top of his head; he had large dark eyes.

Eve, like his teammates, is a womanizer, and tries to warm up to a woman by using his disposition, as a young man, to his advantage. Eve, also like his teammates, has great respect for Ichiya, and, as such, immediately apologized to Erza upon arriving at the misconceived notion that she and Ichiya were an item, as, by disrespecting her, he was disrespecting Ichiya.

Magic: Snow Magic

Quotes: None

Personal Opinion on Eve:

Eve is a cute guys yes but I can't find anymore photos of him on Google cries but still, Eve is a cute womanizer. He even wants to be someone's younger brother. Unable to remember who but I'm sure it was a Fairy Tail member.

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