Ponyboy (part 3)

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Reader's POV
The car ride was mostly Dally telling them what was going on about Bob and the gang. I was zoned out and didn't listen to anything. "(Y/n)!?" Dally said. "What sorry I was day dreaming" I said. "Do you wanna go eat something?" Johnny said. "Uh- yeah sure" I said. I noticed that ponyboy was looking at me and smiled. I smiled back but then I saw Dally and I remembered what he had told me.

Mini flashback

"Look (y/n) the only reason I broke up with her is because she's nothing compared to you, I- I um-" "I. I. I. Stop stuttering and tell me whatever you have to tell me Dallas" "I'm fallin' in love with you okay"

Mini flashback over 

Ponyboy noticed that Dally was looking at me and then he tried making conversation with me. "So (y/n) how you been?" he asked. I looked into his eyes and responded. "I'm sorry Pony". Bad start? "Sorry for what?" "For getting mad at you for leaving me for Cherry... most people have been doing that to me lately" I said looking a Dally then back at Ponyboy.

"O-oh what do you mean by most people?" he asked. At this point I started getting all weird and just stayed quiet. "(Y/n) just tell him" Dally said. "Tell me what?". "I um- Dally left me a-alone for Cherry b-but I guess we had something going on" I said looking at Ponyboy's eyes. Everything has gone silent at this point and Pony is heated.

I could tell because his ears were getting red and his eyes were getting watery. Then Johnny calmed him down and then we arrived to Dairy Queen. I got a hot dog and soda, the boys got burgers. We all ate in silence, it was very awkward.

Fast forward time

We got back to the Curtis house thankfully Darry was awake to carry Pony. "Oh my goodness you actually brought him back" Darry said. "Well I did make a promise and I never break them" I said smiling. "Dal can you help bring Johnny inside the house" Darry said. "Yeah I'll be there in a bit". I sat down by the stairs and Dally sat next to me. "(Y/n) ? Can we talk?" he asked. "Sure" I said.

"Look I'm sorry for leaving you for Cherry, I really didn't want to but she...." "She what Dally?!" I said almost yelling. "She threaten me saying that if I didn't go out with her she was gonna hurt you and I didn't want anything happening to you so that's the reason why... I never wanted to leave you" Dally said almost crying. I didn't know what else to say.

Dally started leaning to my lips and I leaned also. We were about to kiss until I remembered about Ponyboy so I backed away. "Sorry Dally... I can't do this" I said looking down. He looked at me and thought for a moment. "O-oh because you like Pony don't you?" he said. I stayed quiet and looked at him. I've never seen Dally like this before, it's rare.

"It's okay (y/n) if you like him then that's alright okay just don't forget about me. I'll always be here for you and I'll always love you" Dally said crying. I cried as well and hugged Dally. I leaned in to his him and he kissed me back. "I love you too Dal and I'll never forget you I promise " I said. Dally put his arms around me and we stayed like that for a while, then it got cold outside so we went inside.

"You should get some sleep (y/n) it's getting late" Dally says. "Yeah but can you stay with me pleassssseee" I said looking at him. I noticed that he zoned out for a while. "Dal?" "huh- of course I'll stay I just have to make a call so I'll be back" "but there's a phone here" "yeah but I'm gonna bring you some snacks or something" Dally said. "Okay fine but don't take long" I said. "I promise I won't" Dally said kissing my forehead.

Dally's POV
"You should get some sleep (y/n) it's getting late" I said to her. "Yeah but can you stay with me pleassssseee" she says looking at me. I really can't stay because I need to go meet up Cherry and actually break up with her. Yes I lied too her but it was only because I wanted her to talk to me. I really can't live without her.

"Dal?" she said. "huh- of course I'll stay I just have to make a call so I'll be back" "but there's a phone here" "yeah but I'm gonna bring you some snacks or something" I said. "Okay fine but don't take long" she said. "I promise I won't" I said kissing her forehead. I left quickly went to Buck's. "Hey man is Buck here?" I asked a drunk guy. "Nah man sorry"

I went upstairs and went inside the room. When I entered the room I saw Cherry waiting there with one of my shirts on. "Hey Dal you said you wanted to talk" she says. "Yeah I just wanted to say that we can't see each other anymore okay I don't love you... I love (y/n)" I said. I felt so relieved telling her that it's (y/n) who I love.

"You what?" Cherry said. "I said I love her and there's nothing you or anybody else can do about it" I said. "Okay Dallas Winston just be careful where you and your little broad are gonna be at okay... and also Ponyboy" she says leaving and slamming the door. I'm freaking out at this point. I then leave back to Pony's house.

Reader's POV
Dally was taking long, I was still awake and I was getting cold. I was watching Mickey Mouse and then I hear footsteps coming. I quickly get up and see Pony going to the kitchen. I didn't make any noise and then he saw me.

"Hey (y/n).. w-what you doing up so late" he asked. I got up and stared at him. "Oh nothing just watching some of Two-bit's shows" I said. "Oh. Where did Dally go?" he asked. "Oh he um- went to the store to get me some stuff".

"Oh... c-can I stay with you here" Pony asked. "Yeah sure" I said. Pony and I were watching tv and suddenly I felt sleepy. I closed my eyes for just a while and then I fell asleep.

Dally's POV
I walked to the DX and got the stuff (y/n) wanted. I had the key so I wasn't committing a crime. I went back to the house and saw (y/n) and Pony sleeping on the couch, they were both hugging each other with a blanket on top.

I'm not gonna lie I felt kind of jealous but her and pony are meant to be together. I then put all the stuff I got away and went to Buck's. While I was walking over there I felt like someone was following me but I didn't really care because I had my switchblade with me.

I was really close by Buck's until someone stabbed me on the back. I was losing a lot of blood and I only saw the person have red hair. Everything got blurry and then everything turned dark.

To be continued...

A/n: hey readers I hope you guys are enjoying these Ponyboy series. If any of you have any requests please leave some. I hope you readers have an amazing day.

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