Johnny// stargazing

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"leave me alone Nate, I'm tired of you treating me like crap all the time!" I yelled out. "Oh come on (y/n), you know you can't live without me" Nate said getting closer to my lips. I slapped the living crap out of him and walked away. "you're gonna regret doing that" "whatever" I said walking away. While I was walking, I saw some socs beating up a boy my age.

I ran to the socs and pushed them to the ground. Three of them fell on top of each other, then I grabbed the boys hand and pulled him close to me. "you okay?" I asked him. The boy nodded, looking scared. "Aw little greaser needs his girlfriend to defend him, cause he can't do it himself" one of the socs said laughing. "Yeah well at least he has one hell of a girlfriend while you dirtbags have scared little sluts" I said. I held the boys hand tight, the socs grabbed me by my hair and spat on my face.

"Hope that'll make you shut up" the soc said. The boy then pushed the soc to the ground and took his blade out. "Hey man, we'll go just put the blade down" the scared soc said. The boy kept on getting closer to them with his blade until I held his hand and he looked at my eyes. "put it down, please" I said looking at his eyes. He put the blade down and shook his head. The soc left running to their cars and drove away fast. "thanks for uh-standing up for me" the boy said. "no problem... I'm (y/n)" I said shaking his hand. "Johnny" he said kind of smiling.

"uh- you live around here?" "umm well kind of" "kind of? how does that work?" Johnny asked. "my parents are divorced so, I come here to stay with my dad but I also stay with my mom on the other side of town" I tried explaining. "so you're a soc?" Johnny asked. I shook my head and explained to Johnny how I'm just a normal person, I don't consider myself a soc or a greaser. Johnny and I talked about our lives, then out of the nowhere I noticed we were at a park swinging on the swings.

The sunset started appearing and it started getting a bit cold. Johnny noticed and put his jean jacket on me. I smiled and blushed a bit. We kept on looking at the sunset until the stars started to appear on the sky. It was beautiful, it felt like a movie but it was real life. "it's beautiful" I said. "Yeah, it really is" Johnny said looking at me. We stared at each other and leaned in for a kiss. It really felt like a movie. When we finished kissing, we both turned red and got a bit shy.

"s-sorry, I know it seems bad that we just met and i- it's just not okay-" "johnny, it's okay and i know we just met but you're amazing johnny like literally amazing. You make me feel different, a good different" I said. Johnny blushed and smiled. The stars started to appear and so we laid down on the ground. Johnny and I didn't talk much we were just laying there, watching the beautiful stars shining.

I gave Johnny a head rub and he was falling asleep. "aw" I said silently. We stayed there for a bit long, then it was time for me to get home. "johnny" I whispered in his ear. "I have to go home now" "Mhmm" he said still sleeping. "Johnny, I really have to go home now" I said chuckling, he's so adorable. "okayy, I'll walk you home" he said getting up. "it's okay johnny, I can walk home on my own" "no (y/n), it's way too dangerous out here especially at this time. So I'll walk you home so I know you got there safe" Johnny said holding both of my hands.

I smiled and said okay because I just wanted to spend more time with him. "so uh- I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me and my buddies some day, well whenever you're available of course" Johnny said nervously. "I'd love to, say tomorrow?" I asked. Johnny said sure and I told him to pick me up at 4:00, I was so excited. "So this is where you live ?" Johnny said. "yup... thank you for dropping me off at my house" I said smiling. "yeah, no problem..." "see ya tomorrow" we both said.

We chuckled and stared at each other, Johnny then got closer to me and gave me a peck on the lips. "see ya tomorrow (y/n), goodnight" he said. I stood there in shock of what happened, it all went so fast but it was amazing. "g-goodnight johnny" I said then going inside the house all happy. I walked upstairs but my dad called me downstairs. "I have a very special guest for you" my dad said. I went back downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"Dad, I'm kind of busy- Nate?" I said. "What are you doing here? Dad what is he doing here?" "Well, Nate was telling me how he wanted my blessing to-" "Blessing?! For what ? We aren't even together" I yelled out. "I actually came here to ask your father if I can take you on date, like a couple" Nate said with a greedy smile on his face. I was so annoyed that I wanted to slap the crap out of him. "No, there's no way I'm going out with a freak like you again" I said.

"again?" my dad said with a confused look.  "yes, again. Nate and I have dated before but we broke up today" I said. Nate looked at me with hatred, I don't even know why. "is that true Nate" my dad asked in a serious tone. Nate stayed quiet and looked at my dad. "yes sir, it is true but your daughter only broke up with me because she wanted to be with somebody else" "that's a lie !!" I yelled out. "oh don't fake it (y/n), I saw you with that boy with the light denim jacket that hangs out with those greasers" "he has a name you know, and he treats me a lot more better than you ever have!" I said angrily.

"okay that's enough, (y/n) go to your room" my dad said. "but dad he-" "I'm not going to repeat myself again, go to your room" he demand. I pushed the table and stomped to my room. This is a total mess, why on earth would Nate be here talking to my dad about wanting to date me or whatever. I can't live here anymore, especially at my moms house as well. I'm running away. I packed my clothes and anything that seemed useful. "something's missing, goodness (y/n) think think think" I whispered. "oh right".

I grabbed my money from my box I had inside my closet. I snuck out the window and ran to the park where Johnny and I were at. It was so cold outside, I ended up walking kind of father from the park and ended up in this lot. There were two people sleeping, one of them looked like Johnny. I got closer and it was Johnny. "Johnny, wake up" I said in his ear. "It's me, (y/n). I'm running away" I said. The other kid sleeping next to Johnny woke up and gasped which woke up Johnny. "Ponyboy what's wro- (y/n)?" he said.

"w-who are you?" ponyboy said. "Johnny, I'm running away" I said. Johnny asked why and I explained him everything that's been going on. "Johnny I gotta go, I'll see you later... uh- see ya around uh-" "(y/n)" "right (y/n), see ya around" "bye ponyboy" I said. Johnny was telling me how he wanted to run away with me but I told him not to because I didn't want to separate him from his friends and family. I laid next to him and we were both stargazing. Johnny made me feel special, like if someone actually hears me out and cares about me. It's an amazing feeling.

I know we just met but he's different, a good different. "(y/n), I know we just uh- met but I really like you and I wanted to know if you wanted to be my uh-" "yes" I said knowing what he was gonna ask me. He blushed and had a big smile on his face. I then gave him a peck on his lips and held his face. Til this day, I still can't believe Johnny Cade and I ended up together.

a/n: I hope you readers enjoyed this johnny imagine, and I hope you readers have a good school year. y'all are amazing :)
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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