dally// jealousy

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Dally has recently been going out with some girl named Sylvia a lot lately. She's been giving me weird vibes since the day I saw her with Dally. "hey guys" dally said entering the curtis house. There were high heel footsteps behind Dally and it was no other than, Sylvia. "hi" she said walking in. All of the guys were staring at her, up and down. It made me angry so I kept watching the television. Dally and Sylvia kept on making out with each other.

So I decided to leave and take a walk at the park. "See you guys later, if I make it out alive" I said walking out of the house. I made it to the park and sat on the grass. I was thinking about Dally, like in a different way. The having feelings type of way, it was rare. "excuse me?" I heard someone say. I turned around and it was a nice looking boy, around my age. "yeah?" I said. "uh- can I sit next to you?" the boy asked. I nodded and kept on zoning out and thinking about Dally. There was a weird silence and all I heard was the wind blowing. I stopped zoning out and realized that there's actually a boy next to me.

"I'm sorry, who are you ?" I asked. "oh right sorry, I'm Ivan. I noticed that you were alone and seemed a bit sad" Ivan said. "oh" I said. There was still awkward silence between us and it started getting even more cold. "are you cold?" Ivan asked. I nodded my head, then I felt a jacket on me. Ivan put his jacket on me and smiled. "thanks" I said smiling. "no problem, so what's your name?" he asked. "(y/n)" I said. "(y/n). That's a pretty name, for a pretty girl" he says as he looks at me. I chuckled and said thank you.

We talked the whole time, then we exchanged numbers. "I'll call you sometime" Ivan said. "hey, why don't you come with me at my friends house" I said. "right now?" he asks. I smiled and said yes. Ivan said okay and we walked to the curtis house. All of my thoughts of Dally were gone, just for that moment. When we got to the house, I explained to Ivan that mostly all of the guys in the house are like your brothers. I noticed Dally wasn't there, but I didn't really care. "so, are you new in town?" Steve asked. "yeah, I recently moved almost a week ago" Ivan said.

The guys joked around with Ivan and were asking him a lot of questions. He kind of reminded me of Dally, but I don't know why. We all heard the door open and saw Dally walk in with Sylvia. They were laughing like crazy, I've never seen Dally laugh so much. "hey guys- Ivan?" Dally said. "Dallas Winston? hey man, how you been man" "I've been good man, how about you?" "Man, I've been great" Ivan said. "that's great, how did you find these guys man" Dally asked. "(y/n) introduced me to them, right (y/n)" "yup, I did" I said.

Dally looked at both of us and Ivan explained how we met at the park. He also told him how, he was gonna take me out on a date. "a date?" I asked. "yeah, well if you want?" Ivan said. Dally looked at me but very weirdly, then he turned to Sylvia. "I'd love to go on a date with you" I said smiling at Ivan. "so I'll pick you up tomorrow, say maybe at 5:30?" "that sounds great" "great, so I'll see you tomorrow then" "yeah tomorrow, here" I said. "yeah, well I think it's time for me to go now. It was nice meeting you all and dally, it was nice seeing you again" Ivan said shaking Dally's hand.

"nice seeing you too man" Dally said smiling. Ivan grabbed both of my hands and kissed my cheek. "see you tomorrow" he said. I blushed and nodded my head. "wow, he sure does like you" two-bit said. "yeah, he seems like a really nice guy for you" sodapop said going to the kitchen. Dally laughed at what the boys were saying and I was confused why he was laughing for. "what's so funny?" I asked him. "oh nothing it's just, all Ivan wants to do is have a lovely night with you and then he'll just leave you" he said. "yeah, well guess we'll see what happens" I said.

The next day, I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. "mornin' kiddo, I made pancakes some bacon for breakfast" Darry said. "thanks Dar" I said smiling. Darry is like my older brother even though he isn't my biological brother, he's great. "so you have a date today?" he asked. I totally forgot about the date and I gasped. "oh my goodness, I do have a date today. I totally forgot! ughhhh" I said. "what's so bad about it, you have like a lot of time to get ready" Darry said. "yeah but for us girls, it's a bit more ummm complicated" I said.

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