My friends and I went to a drive in that's really far from where I live but we're on summer vacation so it's all good. When we arrived to the drive in we sat next to these 2 boys that looked like about out age. "What movie are we watching?" one of the boys asked. "It's one of those beach movies that are boring but interesting at the same time" I said.
"O-oh, hi I'm Keith" the boy said. I looked at him and smiled. "Hi I'm (y/n) and this is my friend (f/n)". (If you readers didn't know (f/n) stands for "friends name") "hi there" (f/n) said. The kid next to Keith looked confused and he got up and left. It was strange but I didn't really mind. "Hey you got a Mickey Mouse shirt" (f/n) said pointing at the shirt.
"Oh yeah you do I love Mickey Mouse" I said. I had this weird obsession with Mickey Mouse ever since I was baby. "R-really?" "Yeah I love the shows they're very" "interesting" we said at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed. "Hey Two-bit we came to keep you company.. oh who are these little ladies over here hi there I'm Steve two-bits friend" Steve said. "Hi I'm (y/n) and this is my friend (f/n)" I said.
"Oh well may I say you both have some very lovely names but hey (f/n) you have a man or something" Steve said. "Not at the moment" she said blushing. (F/n) and Steve were having there own conversation. "So your name is Two-bit?" I asked. "Well that's my nickname everybody knows me by that name" he said. "Oh that's interesting Two-bit" I said chuckling. "So do you have a boyfriend or someone" Two-bit asked.
"Yeah" "Oh darn" "I'm joking" I said. "Oh? So seriously do you have a boyfriend or are you single?" Two-bit asked. I laughed and looked at him. "I'm single Keith" "yes. So can I take you out some time?" "Sure but I don't live around here" "wait are you socs?" "A what?" I asked with a confused face. "Wait where are you from?" Dally asked.
"We're from the other, other side of town" (f/n) said. "Other, other ?" "Yeah it's confusing but this was the only close drive in there was by where we live" I said. "Oh?" the boys said. "It's okay though I could still take you out I could drive where you live at and be with you"two-bit said. "What?" the boys said. "You alright there bud?" "Yeah what's up with you man?". I was confused why were they confused?
"What are y'all so confused about?" I asked. "Well because Two-bit here never ever goes after a girl that lives far" "well he never goes after a girl in general" some other guy says. "Okay I'm sorry but who are you guys like all of a sudden a whole ton of guys just came out of the nowhere" I asked. "I'm Dally" "I'm Steve" "I'm Ponyboy" "I'm J-johnny" "I'm Sodapop"
"So you guys are like a mini gang?" I said. "Mini we're greasers which means we have a big gang" Steve said. "Wait so are socs ?" I asked. "Well well well if it isn't the poor greasers and oh, two very odd girls" someone said. "Hey bud you better watch it" Two-bit said getting up. "Oh yeah or what you gonna do about?" the person said moving my hair to the side. I felt really uncomfortable.
All of a sudden Two-bit punched the guy and the other boys started to yell and whistle for more greasers to come. "Hey girls come over here" some I'm guessing greaser girl yelled out at us. Me and (f/n) went to the girl and stand back from all the guys. "I'm Sylvia just stay here and don't let anyone go up to you two alright I'll be back" Sylvia said go to the fight.
The workers came outside and told everyone to leave. (F/n) and I waited outside for the whole gang and it was a whole ton of them. "(Y/n)!!" I heard some yell out. It was Two-bit he came running to me and hugged me. "Oh thank goodness you're okay" he said. "Oh I'm okay also Two-bit" (f/n) said. I chuckled and smiled at Two-bit I felt butterflies in my stomach. I feel like he's the one I've been looking for this whole time. He looked at my lips and I did the same then we leaned in and we kissed.
"Aww look at Two-bit guys!" Ponyboy yelled. "Aye don't ruin the moment" Dally said. "So how about that date?" Two-bit said. "I would love to go on a date with you Keith" I said smiling. (You and Two-bit basically looked like this).
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*the gang whistles* "I can't wait to make you the happiest girl in town" Two-bit said. "I can't wait to make you the happiest guy in town" "oh yeah well you've accomplished it already". A few years past, Two-bit and I had our first child and it's a boy we named him (b/n) he's 6 years old. (B/n) is baby's name just if anyone was confused. We're expecting another baby and this time is a girl her name is (b/n).
Two-bit and I had our ups and downs but we've resolved it. Let's just see when we get married...
A/n: I actually liked this story I took me a few days to finish because of school. Anyways I hope you readers liked it :) Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.