sodapop// first love (part.3)

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A week passed and Max didn't speak to me at all. He sleeps in the couch and I sleep upstairs. Today is my 2 year anniversary with Max and I don't think anything is gonna happen today. "Morning" I said going downstairs but noticed that Max was gone. Where did he go?? I ran to the DX to look for him but instead I saw Sodapop. We stared at each other but then I got interrupted by some Soc. "Hey there, you new around" the soc said. I ignored him and kept looking for Max. "Hey! I'm talking to you" the soc said. "Piss off man, you aren't my type either way" I said then running back to the house to see if Max was back home.

I heard someone also running in back of me and it was Sodapop. "W-What are doing here?" I asked. "You need help on looking for him right? Then I'm here to help you" he said trying to catch his breath. "Soda-" "(y/n), I'm going to help you weather you like it or not". I nodded my head and kept running back home. When I got home there was a note on the couch. "Dear (y/n), this is probably the worst anniversary we've experience and I honestly need time away from you. Thank you for everything and I won't come back in a week or so, forget about me, about our memories, about us. Enjoy your life with your actual true love (Sodapop), I know I did enjoy my life with you. -Max" the note said. Is this really happening?

"Um.. (y/n)?" Soda said. I dropped to the ground and sobbed. Sodapop sat next to me and hugged me.

 Sodapop sat next to me and hugged me

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^^a/n: he hugged you like this.
"N-no, this can't be happening right now" I said. "I know, I know, everything will be okay trust me" Sodapop said still hugging me. "We'll find him" "What if we don't, what if he a-actually just left me" I said crying even more. This was my fault, my fault for coming back here. "You should go" I said getting up from the floor.

"No, I can't just leave you here all alone" Soda said also getting up. "Soda I really think you should go now" "No, no, no, please (y/n), let me just stay here with you I won't do or say anything. I just want you to be safe" "SODA JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR GOSH SAKE" I yelled out. I've never, ever yelled at Sodapop like that. He seemed like a scared puppy and put his head down. He didn't say anything, he just grabbed his shirt and left. I don't know what to do now, I don't know where to go, if I should look for Max or not.

I decided to go sleep it out, the next morning seemed to be a bit better. I played some music, I organized some stuff, and I went to the park just to figure out what else to do with my life. When I was at the park I saw Sodapop with a girl with blonde hair. She looked very familiar but I couldn't quite tell who she was. I hid behind a tree and they sat right next to it. "Not much has changed around here" the girl said. "Yeah, everything is still the same since you left" Soda said. "And now I'm back" the girl said chuckling.

Soda chuckled nervously, the he started talking to her about me. "She's an amazing girl, and I just really hope she's doing okay" "yeah yeah enough about her, so now that I'm back in town I say we go to the drive in later and see a movie with the gang" the girl said. "Sandy, I don't know". When I heard soda say her name, I got really really upset. "Sandy?!" I said out loud. "(Y/n), what are you doing here?!" Soda said getting up. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the girl that Sodapop can't stop talking or thinking about" Sandy said.

"Yeah that's me alright now back away from him, you're a dangerous snake that only wants to get with boys then get pregnant with some other boy and leave somewhere else" I said getting closer to her face. "You shouldn't be saying things you don't know" Sandy said getting closer to me. I then pushed her and she tripped on a stick. "Oh trust me, everyone knows things about you in this town" I said looking down at her. She got up and threw the first punch but she missed. I just dropped her to the ground and started punching her instead. "Stop (y/n)!" Soda yelled out. I got up and left home.

I started getting a headache and I couldn't stand it. I then heard a knock on the door and it was Sodapop. "Can we talk? Please?" he said. I nodded and sat at the couch with my hand on my forehead. "Look, I'm sorry you had to see me and Sandy together. Dally told me that she came yesterday, and-" "yeah okay Sodapop, I forgive you" I said getting up. "Are you okay?" soda asked getting up as well. "I have a huge headache and I can't stand it" I said. I went to the refrigerator and got a beer, I don't usually drink but damn my life is a mess right now I need to forget stuff and clear my mind.

"(Y/n) put that down, you have a headache that's gonna make it even worse" Soda said trining to take the beer away from me. I walked away and drank the whole beer. "Look, you cant just stay in here all day and drink till you forget everything it doesn't work that way-" "Soda don't even start with me okay, you went through the same thing with Sandy when she left you. If you're just gonna complain about me drink and stuff then leave okay, I can survive on my own" I said. I was really upset, everything was just falling apart and it sucked.

Sodapop didn't say anything, he just opened the door and left. I turned on the television and then fell asleep. When I woke up, I heard a loud bang on the door. "who is it?" I yelled out. No one responded, so I got up and opened the door. A box of chocolates and some fries with a cheeseburger, there was also a note. "hey
(y/n), I know you aren't feeling so well at the moment so I brought you this box with your favorite candy and some food. Also, I talked to one of friends and asked them if they can find someone to play this song I picked out for you on the radio so turn on the radio in about 20 minutes. I hope you enjoy what I got you, and I'm sorry for bugging you so much - sodapop" the note said.

I turned on the radio and the radio station person was talking. "so we have a song dedication from our good friend uh- Sodapop Curtis? Is that right? yes, okay he dedicates this song to a very special girl by the name of (y/n). Here's 'My Girl' by The Temptations" the radio station person said. The song was beautiful, I can't believe sodapop would do this for me. I got my shoes and ran to the curtis house. When I got there, I saw Darry taking out his famous chocolate cake. Steve was already standing in back of Darry with a fork and a plate.

a/n: hey readers, I'm back well kind of but I really hope you guys enjoyed this next part of "First Love", I'm working on the next chapter so yeah.
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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