Dally// dreams and messages

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It was a cold night in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was on my way to the Curtis house, I was walking alone but I had my switchblade with me. "Hey there girlie, why so lonely" a drunk soc said. I recognized that voice, it's no other than the famous Bob. I ignored him and kept walking. "Hey I'm talking to you!" he yelled out.

"Leave me alone Bob" I said still walking. I hear someone running and I turn around. "Don't you ever talk to me like that" Bob said grabbing my arm tightly. He started looking at me up and down. "you like what you see don't you?" I said looking at him. "Oh yeah, I might even make you mine tonight" he said kissing my neck. I try reaching for my switchblade but then he threw me on the floor.

I started yelling for someone but nothing , Bob covered my mouth with his hands. They smelled like liquor and they were wet. "I thought you were tuff little greaser, turns out you're just a little bitc-". Bob got knocked out by Dally and I got up. "She's a what! Say what you were gonna tell her!" Dally said picking him up from his shirt. "Hey man I don't want any problems, sh- she made me man" Bob said all scared.

Dally got even more upset and completely knocked him out. "What the hell are you doing out here, late at night walking on your own?! You know you need one of us to walk with you it's dangerous out here" "Dally I don't need anyone to protect me! I can protect myself!" I said yelling. I started speed walking and Dally was still in back of me. I finally got to the Curtis house and slammed the door.

"Woah (y/n)! What the heck is wrong with you!" Steve said. I ignored him and went upstairs to Soda's room. "Dally what's wrong with her?" Darry said. "She was walking by herself right now and that stupid soc, Bob was about to do stuff to her" Dally said. I could hear their conversations from Sodapop's room. "Are you sure she isn't on her days?" Steve said joking around. The pissed me off even more so I got up and went downstairs.

"Oh god she heard you Steve" Soda said. "Well first off I wanna say that I'm upset because I don't need any of y'all especially Dally to be protecting me a lot okay. Second I wanna say that Bob did try to make me have sex with him but I wasn't going to let him because I have my switchblade. Lastly I'm not on my "days" which Steve it's called Period not days. If you wanna say shit then first find the correct information then we'll talk okay?" I said looking at all very serious.

"Okay" they all said. I then went upstairs again and slammed the door. I felt my eyes get tired so then I fell asleep. I had a weird dream about Dally and I. We both went to the park and played around. At the end of my dream Dally and I kissed. I woke up and I felt weird. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, brush my teeth, well you get the ideas. When i got out of the bathroom Dally was right in front of the door and we both bumped into each other.

"Oh sorry" he said. "It's okay" I said smiling at him. I then went downstairs and smelled pancakes. "Darry's home isn't he?" I asked Ponyboy. "Yeah you know what that means" "park!" we both said. When Darry is home and he makes pancakes that means he's in a good mood. It also means we're all going to the park and eat anywhere we want.

"Alright guys! Breakfast!" Darry yelled out. Me and Ponyboy ran to get in line and to sit in the good seats. "Yes we're first that means we're gonna get the good seats" Pony said. Ponyboy and I sat down, when I turn to see who's sitting next to me it was Dally. I got all red, even Sodapop noticed. "You alright (y/n)?" Soda asked me. "Uh- yeah I'm fine" I said looking at my plate. "So y'all know what day it is today" Darry said with a big smile.

"Park day!!" Pony said like a little kid. "Yes! I love park day!" Two-but said. We all finished eating and we all got ready. I just put on one of Darry's black T-shirts and my converse. "Woah (y/n), you look great" Dally said standing in front of me again. I looked at him and smiled, he smiled as well. "Uh-thanks" "no problem so look I just wanted to say sorry for being so over protective with you it's just- I feel like something will happen to you know" Dally said.

"Yeah no I get it" "yeah well do you forgive me?" "Yeah I do forgive you" I said. Dally just smiled and went downstairs. We were walking to the park and we all saw Bob. "What are they doing here?" Johnny said with a frightened voice. "Well, well, well, look who it is the greasers and the bitc-" Bob saw Dally and stayed quiet. At this point we were all just standing, it's seem like a rumble was about to happen. "What do you want Bob!" I said getting in front of Bob.

Bob started laughing and looked at me up and down. "Don't try acting tuff with me greaser because we both know what was going to happen yesterday" Bob said kissing my cheek. I got mad when he kissed me so I punched him and caused him to get knocked out. His friends then went up to me and tried doing something but then my boys all came up to them. "Aye man don't even dare" Darry said. "Let's get out of here" the socs said getting inside their trashy mustangs.

We didn't let that ruin our day so we kept walking to the park. When we got there, we all started throwing the football to each other. "(Y/n) catch!" Steve said. I was going to catch the ball but then I accidentally bumped into Dally and we both fell to ground. "You alright?" Dally said. I started laughing and got up. "Yes I'm okay Dally" I said messing up his hair. "Hey" he said then messing my hair up.

We both kept playing around with each other. "Alright let's go get something to eat" Darry said. Dally and I were talking about life while walking to the place we were gonna go eat at. "I think you were very brave for going up to Bob and defending us like that even though we should've defended ourselves" Dally said. I felt like I was getting red so I just looked at the ground. Dally kept staring at me and picked my head up. "You're very beautiful you know that right ?" He said smiling at me.

"You really think so?" I said looking at his brown eyes. "Yeah, whoever is gonna marry you is a very lucky man" he said. I couldn't help but to kiss his cheek. He turned red and gave me a cute smile. When we finished eating we walked pass the park. Dally kept playing around me with and we all just sat down to see the sunset. I felt like I've lived this moment somewhere but I don't remember. "(Y/n) can I talk to you I private" Dally asked.

"Sure" I said following him. "Look I'm just gonna go right ahead and tell you this. I like you a lot (y/n) and I don't know how this ever happened" he said. "Is that a good thing or?" I asked. "No yeah it's a good thing, I feel like I just wanna be with you forever and not let you go. (Y/n) would you be my girl?" "Yes!" I said hugging him. We looked each other's lips, then we kissed passionately. That's when I remembered I had a dream about this, the one that I was so weird out about. Dreams always give you a message but never in my life would I have thought this was my message.

A/n: i hope you guys enjoyed this.
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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