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"Y/N AND LISA I HAVE BIG NEWS!" ten shouted as he ran down the corridor to the two girls, who's conversation he had just interrupted.

lisa rolled her eyes as ten slung his arms around both of their shoulders, bringing them closer together. "this better be worth it chitta, i'm not in the mood today."

"oh shush you, you're never in the mood," ten said jokingly as he booped lisa's nose, making her more triggered than she already was and y/n let out a soft giggle. deep down inside lisa did really love ten but god was he annoying. "guess who scored a date with the hottest guy in this school?"

"you got a date with shownu?!" y/n asked quietly, her eyes almost coming out of their sockets. y/n had the tiniest crush on shownu, she admired him in her dance class but would never talk to him.

ten let out a 'ttch'. "no you hetero, johnny seo!"

"the school photographer?" lisa asked as ten nodded his head, the blush on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed, which left lisa smirking. "maybe he can do a nude shoot with you?"

"lord i would love that." the three of them laughed a little too loud but the other kids in the hall didn't pay too much attention to them. everyone was minding their own business.

jaebum stood a good distance away from the odd-looking trio. he had seen them all around school, y/n being in his math and geography class. their smiles and giggles confused him, how could they all be happy with being a 'nobody' in this school? he was waiting for a good moment to walk over and introduce himself to y/n so he could get this bet over and done with. just as the blonde haired girl and the brown haired boy left, jaebum walked his way over holding three textbooks in his hands. his plan was to walk past and accidentally knock into her shoulder and drop his books.

jaebum did exactly that.

"ah i'm so sorry y/n," he said whilst trying to gather up some of the notes that fell from his textbooks.

y/n smiled and helped jaebum with collecting all the loose bits of paper. "don't be sorry, it happens to all of us." she handed jaebum one of his books.

intentionally, jaebum brushed his cold fingers against hers, he smirked to himself when he felt her retract her hands.

"do you mind if i walk you to dance?" he rubbed the back of his neck in anxiousness. since when do i walk girls to class?!?! jaebum mentally gave himself a face palm.

"how did you know i had dance next?" y/n asked whilst looking at the boy before her quizzically. she already thought jaebum was being odd by being so nice to her.

"yugyeom told me he has dance next and you're in his class."

"oh...i guess you can," y/n smiled again at jaebum, who had to contain himself because when could a smile be so pretty? "wait, where's your next class?"

"i have history upstairs so it's on the way," y/n nodded at jaebum's answers, she was okay knowing that he wouldn't be late to his class. "why were you worried about me?" he said teasingly.


"i think you were."

"shut up."

ten brought the drinks they all ordered on the black tray provided. for the first time, johnny joined them for their weekly trip to the cozy coffee shop in the town centre.

"so he walked you to class?" lisa asked after thanking ten for passing her tea down.

y/n nodded as she played with the plastic straw. "he even gave me his number."

"and why's this weird?" johnny asked as he sipped on his iced coffee, his other hand linked with ten's.

y/n thought about it. why was it bad? maybe being friends with someone other than ten wouldn't hurt?

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