t h i r t y f o u r

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two weeks later

it was late in the evening. the weather was still warm and sky was still shining. all the exams had finally finished. most kids were out celebrating not ever having to go to school again, however jaebum declined all invitations to parties all over the city and decided to take a walk around the town. his father had finally left seoul, after a whole week, which was the longest he had ever stayed with jaebum for the past year. jaebum felt like he could finally breathe without his father's presence no longer in the house. somehow his home felt lonelier, even with someone else in it.

the park was filled with a few kids since it was starting to get late and the sun was setting. jaebum smiled as he looked at all the children playing with each other. as he was about to leave, miyoung caught his eye. he looked at her to double check if it was her and it was.

"miyoung, are you here alone?" jaebum asked when he went over to the girl, who was sat on the swings by herself.

miyoung sniffled, her nose scrunching upwards slightly, before she went to hug jaebum's legs since she could only reach up to about his waist. "y/n is leaving tomorrow and i'll never see her again!" the young girl cried. "i don't want her to leave, make her stay!"

hoping to calm miyoung down, jaebum lifted her into his arms, like he normally would when he used to go on walks with her and y/n to walk their dog. used to. jaebum told himself that in that moment all he should care about was miyoung and making sure she got home safely.

"mimi, should we go get ice cream?" jaebum knew that she liked ice cream the most out of all desserts so what better way to cheer her up.

the little girl, who had rested her head against jaebum's shoulder and practically made his arms her home, beamed a smile sweeter than candy.

"afterwards i'll take you home, is that okay?" miyoung nodded her head in agreement, which made jaebum smile softly. he definitely did miss her as well as y/n. heck he even missed y/n's dog.

the convenience store wasn't far from the park so the walk was short. however, the park was much closer to jaebum's house than y/n's, jaebum began to wonder if miyoung had ran away because no one else was at the park with her.

in the end, jaebum ended buying a few more things than just ice cream, all because of that sweet innocent baby face that miyoung had, who could say no to her?

on the way home, miyoung held jaebum's hand instead of being carried. "jaebummie, why does y/n cry all the time?" her question caused jaebum to go cold. "mummy says it's because she has too much water so she has to get rid of it, weird."

"yeah... weird."

i watched monsta x yesterday and the concert depression has hit me so hard, this is going to be a long ass paragraph so i apologise so much. the concert was amazing, i cried when i sat down in my seat like it was so bad. the boys looked absolutely stunning. their unit stages were fucking amazing. changkyun's and jooheon's stage was so so so good, everything about it was amazing. changkyun said 'okay i love you too' a little after i screamed that i loved him. i screamed at the top of my frickin lungs you guys don't understand, i lost my voice and i currently sound like an 8yo. changkyun also waved at me. all the boys waved at me except for minhyuk and wonho but like at the beginning of the concert during the introduction, wonho was fully staring down at the end where me and my friend were sat oh my gosh it was hot. minhyuk danced with me and my friend and it was so great like you don't understand. shownu also said 'i love you' when i screamed i love you to him. i was screaming so much shit honestly like english kings and shit but i cried so hard, to the point where my make up came off, it wasn't fun at all. i miss them all so much already, it hurts my heart but i had the time of my life.

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